Kentucky. Kentucky – United States

Kentucky is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is limited to the north by Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, to the northeast by West Virginia, to the east by Virginia, to the south by Tennessee, and to the west by Missouri.
The state had been colonized in 1774 by a group of settlers from Pennsylvania. After the region was finally controlled by the United States in 1776, it became a county in Virginia. Kentucky did not officially become a US state until June 1, 1792.
Much of its border with other states is delimited by the Ohio River. About 30% of its territory is covered by forests. Kentucky has a temperate climate, with average temperatures of 25ºC in summer and 2ºC in winter.
The main products manufactured in the State are chemical products, machinery and transport equipment. Agriculture is of little importance to him, as it accounts for only 2% of its GDP. The services sector, especially community and personal services, is the biggest source of wealth for Kentucky, accounting for 64% of its Gross Domestic Product.

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DANTAS, James. "Kentucky"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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