Natural Aspects of Pará

All landscapes carry within them the testimony of all the evolutions that took place over millions of years, these are distinct, as they contain specificity of each place.

The landscape is everything that the human being can visualize or feel through the senses (touch, smell, hearing, taste and vision). Therefore, the natural landscapes that stand out in the geographic space are: relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography, based on this statement, below the main characteristics of these components landscaped.


The territory of the State of Pará is basically divided into three relief units, of which we find a restricted portion of sedimentary surface that covers from the northeast to the southwest, which represents the Amazon Plain. The second comprises the North-Amazonian Plateau, consists of a large percentage of crystalline terrains. registered the highest points in the state where the mountains of Acari (906 meters) and Tucucumaque are located, which are part of the Guianas Plateau and the South-Amazonian Plateau that is part of the Brazilian Central Plateau, at its highest point is the Serra dos Carajás.


In the climatic context, Pará presents a prevalence of the equatorial climate which has as its main characteristic the occurrence of very high temperatures, accompanied by a lot of humidity. The average annual temperature in the state varies between 24º and 26ºC and the incidence of abundant rainfall records rainfall levels that reach up to 2,900 mm per year.

Drought occurs in winter and spring, but it does not occur in Belém, which remains humid throughout the year.


The territory of Pará basically has mangroves, fields, cerrados and the Amazon Forest, the latter predominating in the state.

The vegetative variety is very large, in this case the main compositions of vegetation cover give rise to five specific types of vegetation, such as Terra Firme Forest (no flooding), Várzea Forest (river banks that suffer flooding), Mangue (coastal portion of the State), Campos and Closed.


The Amazon River flows into the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of Pará territory. The state's hydrographic network is abundant, in this territory there are two important basins, the Amazon and Tocantins.

When the waters of the Amazon River reach the Ocean, the meeting of the waters forms waves with more than four meters in height, this natural phenomenon is called pororoca.

Tributaries of the Amazon River

Right bank: Xingu and Tapajós.
Left bank: Jarí, Paru, Trombetas and Nhamundá.

In the hydrography of Pará there is still:

Lakes: they are usually found in floodplains.

Islands: the main one is the island of Marajó.

Coast: there are 618 km in length in Pará territory.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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