Food water. The amount of water in food

Water is an essential substance for the body functioning, as it acts on the body's chemical reactions, on temperature regulation, on the various physiological processes, in addition to protecting certain structures, such as the cerebrospinal fluid present between the meninges. Despite the constant need for this substance, our body is unable to store it and, therefore, we have to replace it at all times.

We know that in order to supply our body with water, we must drink a lot Water. However, all living organisms are composed of this substance, which means that we can also get water from food. Therefore, a diet rich in foods with lots of water can help with hydration.

Generally, the foods that have more water are of vegetable origin. Water constitutes about 93% of the weight of watercress and zucchini, for example. Tomatoes and watermelon have 95% and 92%, respectively. The different types of meat, in turn, have around 60% to 75% of water, a value relatively lower than that of vegetables.

Raw foods, in general, have a higher percentage of water, with the exception of grains that absorb this substance during cooking. It is estimated that while 100 grams of raw beans have only 14% of their weight in water, after cooking, this value can reach quintuple.

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Vegetables, in addition to being noted for their large amount of water, provide fiber, which controls the regulation of the intestine, vitamins and other important nutrients. Therefore, they are essential foods for the proper functioning of the body and strong allies to quench thirst.

See below a short list of foods with their respective amount of water:

- Avocado: about 83% water.

- Pineapple: about 88% water.

- Acerola: about 90% water.

- Lettuce: about 96% water.

- Cooked brown rice: about 70% water.

- Cracker of water and salt: about 3% water.

- Carrot: about 90% water.

- Roast chicken: about 70% water.

- Milk: about 91% water.

- Mango: about 82% water.

- Butter: about 16% water.

- Egg: about 75% water.

- Roasted fish: about 74% water.

- Cucumber: about 95% water.

- Grape: about 81% water.

ATTENTION: Only 10% of the water needed to supply our daily recommendations can be purchased from food. Therefore, be sure to drink at least 2.5 liters of Water daily.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Food water"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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