Biopiracy in Brazil. How to fight biopiracy in Brazil?

THE biopiracy it consists in the act of illegally removing genetic material, species of living beings and exploiting the folk wisdom of one nation for commercial exploitation in another, without paying for a patent. This activity is mainly characterized by the illegal sending of animals and plants abroad.

Brazil, due to its enormous biodiversity, is a constant target of biopiracy. According to the non-governmental organization National Network for Combating Wild Animal Traffic, approximately 38 million animals in the Amazon, Mata Atlantic, the flooded plains of the Pantanal and the semi-arid region of the Northeast are illegally captured and sold, earning about 1 billion dollars per annum.

In addition to biodiversity, another factor that contributes to biopiracy in Brazil is the lack of specific legislation. The action of “biopirates” is facilitated by the absence of legislation that defines the rules for the use of Brazilian natural resources.

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In Brazil, biopiracy attracts animal collectors, who order certain species, which are captured and sold. The genetic potential that Brazil has also attracts the interest of industries from different countries in the most varied branches of economic activity, are mainly food, textile and pharmaceutical.

Cupuaçu, an Amazon plant, is a traditional food for the indigenous population. However, this fruit was registered by a Japanese company, which holds worldwide rights to the fruit and its derivatives. This fact economically harms Brazilian producers in fruit exports.

Policies to combat biopiracy in Brazil must be implemented, protecting Brazilian biodiversity from the action of gene hunters. Investments are needed to carry out research, providing the development of new products through the use of natural resources found in the country.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira and. "Biopiracy in Brazil"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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