Writing in competitions and entrance exams

"Writing is very difficult!"

How many times have you heard this phrase? Many, isn't it? Unfortunately, the act of writing can turn into real torture for most people. Having a blank sheet and needing to fill it with ideas is a situation that leaves many of us absolutely at a loss, especially when it comes to writing in competitions and entrance exams. How to seize the opportunity and not miss out on the dream of studying at a renowned university or the chance of getting a job in the public service? The answer is short and to the point: the secret is to study.

You may already know that the essay test has a great importance for the final result of an entrance exam or public examination, right? The Enem essay, for example, is worth 1000 points, and getting a good score can be the difference between going home and studying for another year or starting the university course you've dreamed of. In order not to miss out on the chance to enter college or start a successful professional career, the candidate needs to be prepared not to be caught by surprise at the time of the exam. This means that, in addition to studying all the elements that make up text linguistics, it is essential to establish a routine of reading, following the facts that mobilize society, whether of a political and historical nature, whether of an economic or Social.

Reading is a habit that brings numerous benefits for learning: through reading, we have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, knowledge that will certainly enrich our baggage cultural. When we read, we come into contact with the code, which is the Portuguese language in its written form, and this is a great time to learn grammar rules in practice, that is, without needing decorate them. Reading also provides direct contact with the different textual types and genres, allowing us to decipher their discursive characteristics and other elements that compose them.

To help with the study routine, Brasil Escola has prepared a section on writing in competitions and entrance exams. In it you will find articles about writing tips, Portuguese language tips, writing tips for Enem, in addition to learning the step by step to write a good text. Here you will also find articles on textual linguistics that will discuss the elements of textuality, such as types and genres, coherence and cohesion, language functions and other subjects you need to master to be a good writer. Writing well may not even be an easy task, after all, it takes time and dedication, but believe me: mastering the writing modality will bring you countless advantages.

Enjoy your reading and good studies!

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/redacao-concursos-vestibulares.htm

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