Orientation by the stars and stars

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One of the most primitive ways of orientation was carried out through the observation of stars and stars, during For a long time travelers used this device frequently, the main references were the Sun, the Moon and the stars. However, the location was not as accurate as provided by modern guidance instruments.
Large urban centers are regionalized into zones, for example, west, south, north, east. There is a simple way of orientation that does not require the use of any type of instrument, it is the observation of the position of the sun, it serves to locate yourself in the city, in the countryside or in the forests.
It is possible to orientate yourself without having at hand guidance instruments such as a compass, GPS, maps, among others. One must know in which direction the sun rises (east). From there it is possible to position the right arm towards the sun, the front of the person corresponds to the north, automatically the south is behind and, consequently, the west is in the direction of the left arm, in which the sun it sets.

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The orientation carried out through the observation of the stars has its widespread use among rural people, fishermen and navigators, these generally know the general characteristics of the sky at night, however, there are differences between the hemispheres in relation to the constellations. In the northern hemisphere the orientation occurs through the constellation Estrela Polar and in the southern hemisphere, through Cruzeiro do Sul.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/orientacao-pelos-astros-estrelas.htm


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