Why can't we share personal items?

Many people think it's okay to share personal items, such as a glass or bottle of water. However, several health problems can be triggered by this simple gesture. Certain objects can contain a number of disease-causing microorganisms.

Dangers of sharing personal effects

Below are some objects that should not be shared and why this recommendation is made:

  • Glasses, bottles and cutlery
    Several diseases can be transmitted by sharing these objects, such as hepatitis A, herpes, tonsillitis and the flu, including the flu H1N1. These objects can contribute to the transmission of these illnesses, because in them we find saliva, which has several microorganisms.

Read too: 10 ways to prevent yourself from colds and flu

  • Toothbrush

    The brush itself is already a favorable place for the multiplication of microorganisms that can cause disease. In addition, bacteria from our mouths are found in them, which are passed onto the brushes and can form colonies. There may also be blood on the brush from the brushing process. Therefore, sharing them can do harm. THE

    caries, for example, can be transmitted that way.

Borrowing a toothbrush can lead to cavities
Borrowing a toothbrush can lead to cavities

  • Towels
    Towels should not be borrowed either, as it is possible to acquire illnesses such as the flu and skin infections. We can also highlight diseases that are indirectly transmitted, such as HPV infection. Although HPV is often transmitted sexually, there are other routes of transmission, such as sharing towels and underwear.

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Read too:HPV vaccine

  • Underwear

    Underwear can contain a number of microorganisms and are related to various infections, such as HPV, candidiasis and even urinary infections.

  • Hairbrush

    Even the hairbrush must not be shared. It is possible to purchase lice and some fungi.

  • Pliers, razor blades or devices that pierce or cut

    These objects, because they have contact with blood, may be responsible for the transmission of Hepatitis B, Ç and D and even HIV (virus that causes the AIDS).

  • Mascara, eyeliner and eyeliner

    By sharing these makeup products, the person is liable to contract, for example, conjunctivitis and other infections.

Makeup can also transmit disease. By sharing mascara, eyeliner or eyeliner, we can get, for example, conjunctivitis
Makeup can also transmit disease. By sharing mascara, eyeliner or eyeliner, we can get, for example, conjunctivitis

  • Lipstick:

    It can also transmit diseases such as herpes.

We therefore realize that objects for personal use, as the name implies, must be for the exclusive use of their owner. Not borrowing one of these items does not mean that you are not a helpful person, but that you are concerned about your health and that of others around you.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Why can't we share personal belongings?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/por-que-nao-podemos-compartilhar-objetos-pessoais.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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