Uppercase and lowercase letters - circumstances in which they manifest themselves

We commonly hear this or that person attribute a distorted concept to the Portuguese language. This fact occurs because for many it is an instrument of stigma, through the many rules, the possible exceptions, among other factors, that are part of it.

The fact is that such aspects, once carefully analyzed, allow us to reach the conclusion that Portuguese, considered an official language and now available to its many users, it needs to be conditioned to a system seen as conventional - of course that we are referring to the scope of writing – because, if it were random, we could give it the characteristics that well understand. In this way, it would never configure itself as something standardized, common to all of us.

Thus, armed with this perception, among the many requirements inherent to the modality in reference (writing), it configures one of singular importance – spelling. And so, based on this premise, the article in question is intended to address about the use of upper and lower case letters which, as a rule, is conditioned to circumstances specific. In this sense, let us check under what circumstances we should use them:

Capital letters:

Small letters:

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Grammar - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/letras-maiusculas-minusculas-circunstancias-que-se.htm

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