Difference between fracture, sprain and dislocation

There are several injuries that affect our skeletal system. Among the most common, the breaks in bones, the displacements of these structures and tearing of the ligaments of the joints. We'll talk a little more about them below.


Fractures are the most common injuries to bones. They are characterized by the loss of bone continuity, which is the result of applying excessive force on this structure. This excessive force can be caused by a fall or even a crush.

Sometimes the bone partially breaks, causing a incomplete fracture. When the bone completely breaks, a complete fracture. Complete fractures can also be displaced or not. Displaced fractures are more severe.

Fractures can be further classified into closed and exposed. At closed fractures are those in which it is not possible to see the bone breaking the skin, which remains intact. In cases of closed fracture, it is common to have pain, difficulty in moving the affected area, as well as swelling and reddening of the local skin. In the case of

open fractures, the bone exits to the outside, breaking the skin. This last market deserves attention due to the risks of contamination.

In an open fracture, it is possible to see the bone breaking the skin. In closed, this is not verified
In an open fracture, it is possible to see the bone breaking the skin. In closed, this is not verified


Sprains are injuries that affect the ligaments, portions of fibrous tissue that ensure the union of bones in a articulation. When the ligaments stretch beyond their capacity, stretching occurs, which can sometimes result in the ligaments tearing. One of the causes of this problem is the practice of exercises without proper warm-up and physical preparation. Sprains can cause severe local pain, swelling and redness. The places most affected by sprains are the ankle, shoulders and knee.

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Sprains are caused by strains in the ligaments
Sprains are caused by strains in the ligaments


Sometimes our bones come out of their normal position, becoming dislocated. These cases are called dislocations and can be dangerous because they can affect blood vessels, nerves, and other structures. Dislocations cause pain, deformities and reduced joint movement. Usually a dislocation occurs due to trauma or very violent movements. This injury is common to the shoulders, elbows and jaws.

Dislocation is nothing more than dislocation of the bone
Dislocation is nothing more than dislocation of the bone

What to do in case of fracture, sprain or dislocation?

In the event of fractures, sprains or dislocations, it is essential that the person stay calm and seek medical help. It is important to keep the site immobilized, as moving in either case can cause even greater damage.

It is also worth noting that the use of any medication without medical advice should be avoided. It is only recommended to perform cold compresses on the affected area or use an ice pack over the area. In the case of open fractures, it is recommended that the site be covered with a clean cloth or gauze and that specialized help be sought immediately.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Difference between fracture, sprain and dislocation"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/diferenca-entre-fratura-entorse-luxacao.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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