Meaning of Pop-up (What it is, Concept and Definition)

pop up is window that opens in the internet browser when accessing a web page or some link of redirection. Typically, this new window displays prominent site information or, in most cases, advertisements and advertisements.

You pop-ups are advertising resources from the developers of websites, as an attempt to draw the attention of internet users, but which end up annoying most internet users.

However, currently the most popular internet browsers - Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, Microsoft Edge, among others - have extensions that help to block browsers. pop-ups, since the vast majority of content presented is beyond the user's interest. But, if necessary, Internet users can enable the popup to run on specific sites, for example.

the calls popup ads are those intended exclusively for the transmission of advertisements, being the ads the abbreviation of the english word advertising, which means "advertising".

the creator of popup was the American Ethan Zuckerman, blogger and creator of Global Voices Online, a large online network of journalists and bloggers.

In the late 1990s, Zuckerman developed code to "launch" ads and advertisements in different windows, as an alternative to resolving complaints from banners that appeared displaced in the layout from page.

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