Guyana. Guyana Data

Guyana is located in the extreme north of South America, its territory borders Brazil (to the south), Venezuela (to the west) and Suriname (to the east), besides being bathed by the Atlantic Ocean (to the north). Most of the territory is a low plateau, covered by forests and privileged in water resources. The coastal region is the one with the highest population concentration.
The area that currently corresponds to Guyana was occupied by Arawaks, Caribbeans and Waars. Christopher Columbus arrived in the region in the 15th century, however, the colonization process began with the Dutch of the West India Company, in 1621. The colonizers carried out the cultivation of sugarcane in Guyana, this activity being the basis of the local economy.
However, in 1814, Guyana became an English colony, constituting the only South American country of British colonization. National independence was achieved in 1966, the year in which the country joined the British Commonwealth, a group formed by the United Kingdom and its former colonies.

Guyana's economy is based on the primary sector, the main agricultural products are sugar cane, cassava, fruit and rice. Mining is a very important activity for the national economy, with bauxite being the most prominent product. The industrial sector is underdeveloped, operates with a low level of technological development and is extremely dependent on foreign investments.

Guyana Coat of Arms

Guyana data:
Territorial extension: 214,969 km².
Location: South America.
Capital: Georgetown.
Climate: Tropical (to the north) and equatorial (to the south).
Government: Republic with mixed form of government.
Administrative division: 10 regions.
Language: English (official), Hindi, Urdu.
Religion: Christianity, 51.4% (Protestants, 22%, Catholics, 11%, Anglicans, 8.6%, Independents, 9.8%), Hinduism, 32.8%, Islam, 8.2%, others, 5.6%, no religion and atheism, 2%.
Population: 762,498 inhabitants. (Men: 391,442; Women: 371,056).
Ethnic Composition: Indians, 51%, African Americans, 30%, Euramerindians, 11%, Amerindians, 5%, others, 3%.
Demographic density: 3.5 inhab./km².
Average annual population growth rate: - 0.06%.
Population residing in urban areas: 28.37%.
Population residing in rural areas: 71.63%.
Undernourished population: 6%.
Life expectancy at birth: 65.8 years.
Households with access to clean water: 93%.
Households with access to a health network: 81%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.611 (average).
Currency: Guyana Dollar.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 1.2 billion dollars.
GDP per capita: 1,435 dollars.
External relations: World Bank, Caricom, Commonwealth, IMF, Rio Group, OAS, WTO, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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