The Psychologist's Role at School

Regina Célia de Souza
(...) I am in favor of practical psychologists, in favor of practical work and, therefore, in a broad sense, in favor of daring and deepening our branch of science in life itself. (Vygotsky, 1968)
What does this practical work of the psychologist in education consist of?
At first, relate specific knowledge of Psychology with educational knowledge. For this it is necessary to know the themes of education and the functioning of the school as a characteristic institution so that this knowledge can be articulated.
It is noteworthy that the practical work, to which Vygotsky refers, is not a work removed from theory, nor a superposition of the psychological field over the educational field, but rather a work of reflection on the practice from the theory.
Thus, supported by its theoretical assumptions and these, in turn, already articulated to educational knowledge, the great contribution of school psychologist resides behind the scenes of the institution, that is, his action must be developed primarily with the teachers and not with the students, contributing so that they are increasingly strengthened and equipped for a quality performance with the student.

Today we have no doubts that the most important work that a psychologist can develop in educational institutions is the in-service training of their educators.
In this sense, your contribution can point out some directions:
Help the educator to reflect on their childhood, to better understand their students' childhood;
Contribute so that early childhood educators can review their identity as a professional, finding an increasingly significant meaning for their pedagogical work;
Assist the educator in the coexistence of group relationships; - in team relationships and in building the class as a group;
Helping the educator to reflect on his family to better understand the family dynamics of his students and the new family profile;
Helping the educator to reflect and learn about human development and the teaching/learning processes based on the theoretical foundations that support their practice, enabling him to understand and clearly direct the schooling path of his students, avoiding excessive referrals to sessions psychopedagogical
In addition, one should not lose sight of some ethical and political issues:
It is necessary for the psychologist to understand that in the school setting, like other technicians present at school, he is not the protagonist of the scene. His work is behind the scenes, seeking to promote the educator in his needs for reflection and knowledge construction. For this, it is essential that they have an integrated vision of this educator-subject, as their job is to help them discover themselves, unveil themselves, achieving security and autonomy in the classroom. And this is only possible through respect – respect for a knowledge that the teacher has built regarding the daily life of the classroom and which is the primary objective of the school; and respect for the person of the educator, not throwing him/her interpretations that he/she is not prepared to hear – the school does not have a place for psychological clinic.
But beyond that what can the school psychologist do?

He can:
develop Vocational and Professional Guidance work with students;
develop preventive actions together with the teaching staff regarding drug use;
develop clarifying actions together with the faculty for students on sexuality, ethics, aggressiveness...
develop clarifying actions together with the faculty for families on human development, prevention of drug use, sexuality, aggressiveness, ethics...
develop clarifying actions together with the faculty for families on the academic development of students;
develop clarifying actions together with the faculty for families and students on the methodology and objectives of the school;
participate with the entire school team in the construction of its political pedagogical project;
develop group relations work so that the school staff can improve their interpersonal relationships every day.
* article adapted from the text: “The psychologist and education – a possible relationship” published in the book “Praxis in the training of early childhood educators” by the same author. DP&A Ed. 2002. RJ

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Psychologist at School"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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