unfollow is an English language word and means "do not follow" in the literal translation into the Portuguese language.
This foreign term is widely used in digital social networks, when someone wants to unsubscribe from receiving updates made by a user on a particular social network.
Normally, “unfollowing” is a sign that the contents published by a user are uninteresting for those who stopped “following” that person's posts.
In the digital environment of social networks, the unfollow it is like “deleting” or “deleting” a certain user from the contact list.
O unfollow is the antonym of follow, which literally means “to follow”, in Portuguese, and which has the meaning of “to add”.
The user who wants to follow updates made by another individual, must "give a follow” in your profile, so you will always be notified about the news posted by this person.
In Brazil, the terms unfollow and follow began to gain notoriety and become part of people's daily lives with the popularity of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
In these social networks, users must follow (follow) the interests and people who most identify with, and have the option of not following (unfollow) the profiles you no longer want to view.
See also the meaning of FF on Twitter and Internet.