What do you need to correct in your text

Proofreading is very important so that you don't fall into self-made traps!

Here are some points you need to pay attention to when reviewing your text:

As for the aesthetic, watch:

a) If the handwriting is legible: it does not mean “beautiful handwriting”, but rather the concern to generate understanding for those who read the text.

b) If there is a paragraph: correct disposition of the paragraphs. These must be well structured and delimited by punctuation.

c) If the margins are regular: the words must go to the end of the line, unless it is a poem.

d) The indent: if there is the proper spacing before using it.

e) If there are erasures: the best thing is that they don't exist! But if they do, prefer to cross out the wrong term with a single risk and put it in parentheses. Put the correct word above, or continue writing normally if the error occurs at the time of writing and on the final sheet.

As for the grammar, watch:

a) Spelling: are the words spelled correctly?

b) Punctuation: are there too many or missing commas? Is there a comma where there should be a period?

c) Verbal and nominal agreement: check if all verbs agree with their subjects and if the nouns are in agreement with the article, numeral, pronoun or adjective that accompanies them.

d) Verb rulership: see if the rulership of the verb is coherent with its complement.

e) Pronominal placement: are the pronouns correctly positioned? Pay particular attention to those of the oblique case (me, te, se, o, os, a, as, le, them, us and you).

As for stylistics, watch:

a) Repetition of words, with special attention to the pronoun “that” and also to ideas: they impoverish the text.
b) Long sentences: make the text confusing.
c) If there are connective elements: they are essential for cohesion (but, however, however, however, etc.)
d) Use of words or arguments in the wrong places.

As for the structure, watch:

a) If there is a central idea that guides the text or a basic conflict to be resolved.
b) If there is a sequence of facts framed in a temporal logic.
c) If there is presence of the aspects of the type of text chosen: dissertation (exposition and defense of arguments); narration (conflict and character exposure); description (features of the location and reported facts), and so on.

Finally, see the conclusion: it must have a maximum of five lines and contain a summary of what was spoken with the presentation of a solution to the conflict or an opinion about what was exposed.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/redacao/o-que-voce-precisa-corrigir-no-seu-texto.htm

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