It is very common, at school age, for children to acquire head lice. Some studies estimate that, in Brazil alone, pediculosis (lice infestation) affects around 30% of children at this stage. Given the large number of people affected, it is essential to better understand the problem.
→ What is louse?
O lice it is a arthropod belonging to the class of insects that feed on blood (hematophagous insect). It has a body divided into head, thorax and abdomen and does not have wings. It has a life cycle that completes in 30 days, going through the phases of nit (egg), nymph and adult.
The louse that lives preferentially on the head is called Human pedicles capitis. There is still a species that lives in the body (pediculus humanus corporis) and one that affects the pubic region (Phthirus pubis), but these species will not be covered in this text.
→ What is scalp pediculosis?
Pediculosis is the problem triggered by head lice infestation. It affects people of all ages and social levels, but children between 5 and 11 years old are the most common cases.
Pediculosis triggers discomfort due to the great itching it causes. As it mainly affects school-age children, this problem directly affects school performance, since children are unable to concentrate on their activities.
Severe itching can cause people with pediculosis to scratch their heads with their nails, causing sores that can be a gateway for fungus and bacteria. The entry of staphylococcal bacteria, for example, can cause a condition of impetigo.
Very severe infestations can also trigger anemia, given that lice are hematophagous insects and therefore act by drawing blood from their host.
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→ Transmission of pediculosis from the scalp
Pediculosis is transmitted through body contact or materials that come into contact with the infected person's head. For this reason, it is important not to borrow hats, caps, scarves, barrettes, pillows and combs. It is also worth noting that the louse does not jump, nor does it fly.
→ What to do in case of pediculosis of the scalp?
The most efficient method to combat pediculosis is the use of a fine-tooth comb. Despite being a somewhat old method, it is able to remove adults and nymphs. It is worth noting that, after passing the fine-tooth comb, it is important to carry out scavenging to remove nits, which are the eggs of these insects.
It is worth noting that today several drugs are available to end pediculosis. In some people, however, they can trigger side effects. In addition, some lice have shown resistance to the product and, consequently, the expected result is not achieved. Therefore, the fine-tooth comb and grooming, without a doubt, is still the best method.
It's also important to never use products like insecticides and kerosene to kill head lice. These products are toxic and can cause serious problems in those who use them for this purpose.
→ Tip for removing nits
To remove the nits, it is recommended to use cotton and vinegar diluted in a 1:1 ratio. Initially, select 3-4 strands of hair that have nits. Then soak the cotton in the vinegar and wrap it in the threads in the base region. Afterwards, slowly pull the cotton towards the tip of the hair.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Scalp pediculosis"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.