Hydrocarbon catalytic breakdown

Among the by-products derived from petroleum, without a doubt, gasoline is the one with the greatest demand.
A certain amount of oil gives rise to greases, lubricating oils, paraffins, among others, but none of these has greater commercial value than the fuel that makes the vehicles. It was with this consumer need in mind that a process was developed to transform hydrocarbon chains into gasoline.
Cracking emerged as a solution for the high fuel consumption of recent years. The process is simple, high molecular weight hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller chains. The catalysts illustrated in the initial image are important in production as they fulfill the role of accelerating the reaction.

Cracking reaction
Note that long chains are broken into shorter chains by means of catalysts.
But where does the raw material used in this process come from? It comes from the oil itself and corresponds to the fraction used for kerosene.

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Brazil School Team

Organic chemistry - Chemistry - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/quebra-catalitica-hidrocarbonetos.htm

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