Substitution process. Process characteristics

It is important to mention that one of the aspects that prevail in our discussion concerns to morphological analysis, in which concepts related to grammatical classes represent the watchword. But another aspect, also of singular importance, calls our attention: the word "process". Would it be pertinent for us to consider them as changes, transformations?

Certainly not, given that it is really about the process through which certain words pass in order to occupy other grammatical classes, considering the communicative context in which they are inserted. Thus, armed with such assumptions, let's see how this works in practice:
# O no was given in reply.
It is not necessary to go much further to see that the "no" belongs to the class of adverbs. However, referring to the case in question, he passes from such a class to substantive.
# You persistent always win.

Here, "persistent", now representing the class of adjectives, starts to represent another: that of nouns.

# O me want to be found again.

Has became substantiatedwhich in general terms is classified as personal pronoun of the straight case (me).

# O dinner is served.
In this context, of verb (expressed in the infinitive) became substantive.
# Millions were spent on that work.

In numeral became a word too substantiated.
# O because of such an attitude is not known.

Now we have something that integrates the class of conjunctions working as substantive.
# Many hello were given.
Here, what didactically acts as a interjection became substantiated.
But pay attention to some extremely important details, which are expressed below:
- We must not confuse nouns accompanied by articles with substantive words, since in the latter case the article has the function of modifying them and not of accompanying them, determining them. So let's look at an example in which the article only follows the noun: O student is studious.

- When substantivated, many words, as unstressed (without phonetic autonomy), become tonic, note: O what of the problematic has been unraveled recently.

- Words that are generally invariant, when substantivated, can perfectly be inflected: You seven from the entire deck were discarded.

- The noun word can occupy different syntactic functions, such as subject and complement: O yea gave way to no (subject)/ I don't like to say a no To nobody. (direct object)

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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