Leprosy: the oldest disease in the world

There are several diseases on our planet. Some are hereditary, others are contracted in the womb (congenital) and there are still those that are acquired during the life. Many diseases are recent and others have been in our history for centuries, such as leprosy.

The oldest disease in the world

THE leprosy, also known as leprosy, a name that is not used today due to the burden of prejudice that surrounds it, is the oldest infectious disease on record. Although its cause was discovered in 1873, there are records in the literature of this disease in China, Egypt and India before Christ. In the 6th century a. C., there were already reports about this disease.

Initially, this disease was considered an illness linked to some divine punishment or impurity. affected individuals were excluded from society. As the cure was not known initially, all people with the problem were required to wear different clothes and carrying bells that showed the rest of the population that they were there They were. Due to lack of knowledge, this disease has become fraught with prejudice.

→ What are the characteristics of leprosy?

Leprosy is a bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (Hansen's Bacillus). She can be transmitted through contact with secretions that come out of the nose or even by the patient's saliva. That bacterium of the bacillus type was discovered by Gerhard Armauer Hansen. Because of the researcher's name, this disease is called leprosy.

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Leprosy initially affects the skin and the nerves. The first symptom is the appearance of pale skin patches. In this place, hair does not grow, perspiration does not occur and there is no sensitivity. Numbness and loss of muscle tone may also occur.

If not treated properly, this disease can cause permanent physical disability. It is also important to highlight that leprosy does not only affect the skin, it can affect eyes, kidneys, testicles, liver, adrenals and spleen.

To diagnose leprosy, it is necessary consult a dermatologist, as this will carry out tests in the affected area and will carry out exams that will analyze, for example, the amount of bacilli in the area. This disease is currently curable, and all necessary medication is provided. by the Unified Health System (SUS). It is worth noting that the treatment is long and can last a year or more.

Preventing this disease is quite difficult. For people close to the patient, the application of the BCG vaccine is recommended, however, the application is only made if there are no symptoms or signs of leprosy. It is noteworthy that most people who come into contact with the bacillus that causes the disease do not develop it.

Attention: In Brazil, the rate of the disease is low, with less than a thousand cases per year.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Leprosy: the oldest disease in the world"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/a-doenca-mais-antiga-mundo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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