The current world faces a series of environmental problems, the main ones being deforestation of natural forests and air pollution, which causes the emission of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere.
Deforestation of forests is the removal of the existing vegetation cover, which can occur by cutting down trees or even by this practice puts at risk important ecosystems, such as equatorial and tropical forests in different parts of the planet, especially in the Amazon, Congo and Southeast Asia, in addition to compromising the existence of more restricted vegetation cover, such as boreal forests (taiga and conifers).
In the last thirty years, all the forests mentioned have suffered a very intense exploitation. to satisfy the economic interests of capitalist societies and their high rates of consumption.
Burning is not the only CO2 emission factor, another polluting agent is the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil), the The combustion process that takes place in motor vehicles generates this gas, which is also emitted by thermoelectric plants and industries steel mills.
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The scientific class considers the emission of CO2 the main agent causing the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect and global warming, as this gas settles in the atmosphere, preventing the irradiation of rays from occurring. solar.
To try to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, the Kyoto Protocol was created, which aims to implement targets for reduction, mainly for developed countries, however, the largest emitter, the United States, refuses to sign such protocol. Despite this, most of the countries that make up the G-8 (Group of the eight richest and most industrialized countries in the world) have already adhered to this agreement.
By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Deforestation and Air Pollution"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.