Francisco Manuel da Silva

Brazilian conductor and composer born in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, author of the Brazilian National Anthem and who had great prominence in the musical life of Rio de Janeiro, in the period between the death of Father José Maurício and the rise of Carlos Gomes. She studied with Father José Maurício Nunes Garcia, one of the greatest names in Brazilian colonial music, and with Sigismund Neukomm. Appointed singer of the Capela Real (1809), later he joined the orchestra of the same institution as timbaleiro (1823) and later, as second cello (1825), at the court of D. John VI. He also played the violin, piano and organ, in addition to organizing and directing musical groups, and also distinguished himself as a conductor and promoter of organized music education in the country.
Supporter of the April 7 Revolution (1831), he wrote a patriotic melody that became the Brazilian national anthem. Considered by many to be one of the most beautiful in the world, the anthem owes its strength and intense beauty to its artistic sensibility and its author's engagement in civil demonstrations for the nationalist and independence affirmation, which forced Pedro I to abdicate the throne Brazilian. He was one of the founders of the Imperial Academy of Music and National Opera, he also founded the Beneficent Society Musical (1833) and the Conservatory of Music, the embryo of the National Institute of Music, which gave rise to the School of Music of UFRJ.

He was appointed principal conductor of the Sociedade Fluminense orchestra (1834). He also served in the career of regent and was directly responsible for the restoration of the Imperial Chapel, to which its former splendor was returned. In her maturity, her most fertile phase began, with the composition of the hymns to the coronation (1841), D. Afonso (1845), of the arts (1854) and of war (1865), as well as numerous masses, motets, modinhas, lundus and waltzes.
He died in the same city he was born and left a good number of works, scattered in Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and São Paulo archives, including sacred music and modinhas and lundus. He is the Patron of Chair no. 7 of the Brazilian Academy of Music. He also published several textbooks, including the Compendium of practical music (1832), the first of them dedicated to Brazilian amateurs and artists, and Compendium of elementary principles of music (1845), for use by the Conservatory of Rio de January.
Figure copied from the UFRJ School of Music website
Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Francisco Manuel da Silva"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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