Find out what cyberbullying is

cyberbullying and the violence practiced against someone in Internet, on social networks or other digital media. It is also called cyber bullying.

Practice cyberbullying it means using the virtual space to intimidate, harass or humiliate a person, defaming, insulting or morally attacking.

The term is formed from the joining of the words cyber, a word of English origin that is associated with virtual communication in digital media, such as social networks. Already bullying it is the act of intimidating or humiliating a person. Thus, the person who commits this type of act is known as cyberbully.

Learn more about the meaning of Bullying.

Attacks are common on social networks because attackers can do so anonymously from so-called "fake accounts", triggering offensive and slanderous content.

The laws against-cyberbullying that warn to curb these practices by identifying and holding the aggressors accountable.

In general, the cyberbullying it is practiced among teenagers and is related to the school environment, but it also occurs frequently among adults, especially in the workplace.

Examples of cyberbullying

The main ways of bullying cybernetics are:

  • Propagating defamatory or libelous information via email, messages or posts on social networks;
  • Post personal material, such as notebooks, diaries, letters or private messages on social media without the person's permission;
  • Disclose photographs taken without authorization with the purpose of humiliating or exposing the person in a pejorative manner;
  • Share intimate photos or videos;
  • Prevent the participation of a (real) group member in the virtual environment without plausible justification.

consequences of cyberbullying

The UN (United Nations), in a study carried out in 2018, reported that the cyberbullying is among the main causes of school dropout.

The WHO warns of the emotional damage caused by this practice, bringing consequences for the socialization of children and young people.

The APA (American Psychological Association) reported that only 68% of children and youth who suffer cyberbullying they seek help from adults or authorities. The remaining 32% remain silent and may suffer even more emotional damage.

Also read about school bullying and the Types of Bullying.

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