Defer or defer?

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My answer deferred or differs from yours?

The judge deferred or deferred the habeas corpus application?

Note the meaning of the two verbs:

defer – answer, grant, agree

To differ – be different, distinguish, diverge, disagree.

It is very common to confuse the way of writing verbs, because even if they are spelled with “e”, we pronounce “i”. But as we've seen, the meanings are very different.

When you want to say that you don't agree with something or when something is different from another, use it to differ, remember "different", which also starts with "di":

My answer differs from yours.

On the contrary, when you want to say that you agree, that there was consent, use defer:

The judge granted the request for habeas corpus.

That's why we say that something was rejected, that is, it was not accepted.

Another examples:

The) The management granted the request for overtime. (answered)
B) Management granted some perks to employees. (granted)
ç) Maria and Joana differed in their way of dressing, but they had the same taste. (disagreed)

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

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Source: Brazil School -

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