Hardware and the physical part of a computer, is formed by electronic components, such as wire and light circuits, boards, utensils, chains, and any other material in physical state, that is necessary to do with what computer work.
O hardware it is basically used by computers and electronic elements. Any physical equipment like keys, locks, chains and computer parts, they are called hardware.
O hardware it's not just limited to personal computers, it's also available in cars, cell phones, tablets, and so on.
There are several types of hardware, which have different goals and functionality. O hardware network, for example, is equipment that is built with the purpose of enabling and managing equipment that are connected in a network.
The printer, the scanner, the monitor, Mouse and a computer keyboard is considered to be hardware for that PC. In short, the hardware are all peripherals connected in an operating system.
Not only the external components, but also those inside the computer case are classified as hardware. Example: RAM memory card, hard disk, CD and DVD player and so on.
On the internet, there are several sites and forums that specialize in helping users and lay people in "computer mechanics" to install or configure hardware, as is the case of the Hardware Secrets.
know more about RAM memory.
Hardware and software
For the proper functioning of the hardware, it is also necessary the software, which is the logical part of computing. O software has the function of providing instructions to the hardware, enabling the performance of equipment operations.
softwareis any computer program that can be used, copied and etc. Only with the combination of software and hardware the computer can function more correctly and efficiently.
See also the Meaning of Software it's the Definition of Free Software.