How to speak in public?

A flutter in the stomach, trembling, trembling voice and excessive sweating are some of the many manifestations that the body releases when it is about to speak in public. Fear, or rather the fear of talking to other people, accompanies individuals since the student period, when it needs to participate in debates and seminars in the classroom and/or present papers and later a monograph, thesis and so on. successively.
Public speaking for some is normal and simple, but for many others it is quite a difficult task. For this reason, here are some tips for those who feel like disappearing when it's their turn to speak:
• It is important to know the environment in which you are going to speak and become familiar with it;
• Getting some listeners to try to get acquainted with your audience is also worth it;
• If you know the audience, try not to focus on their jokes and teasing;
• Be natural, not trying to show that you are better or worse than you actually are;
• Do not show nervousness, as this problem can “steal” the public's attention;

• Know the topic to be reported, the purpose of the speech, the target audience, the duration of the speech and the existing resources for a good presentation;
• Speak calmly and slowly to facilitate the correct pronunciation of words;
• Perform relaxation exercises avoiding drinking too much fluid (since nervousness can make you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the performance);
• Moderate the pitch and intensity of the voice;
• Focus on what will be spoken and not on the audience.
Three key points for public speaking and success can be highlighted: mastering technique, practice, and subject. These tips above make the presentation objective to be achieved and, in addition, improve the self-confidence of individuals who need to speak and feel fearful.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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