September 27 — World Tourism Day

O World Tourism Day is celebrated on September 27, in reference to one of the most important economic activities of today, belonging to the tertiary sector of the economy. This date was officially established by the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in 1980, shortly after the implementation of its statute. It is important, however, not to confuse this commemorative date with the Morning National of Tourism, celebrated on March 2nd.

The practice of tourism, more than a branch of economics, is an area of ​​study in the Social Sciences, being also widely studied by Geography. Its concept, according to the OMT, corresponds to the displacement of people to different places in a period of less than one year and that is not linked to the performance of work or any economic activity, paid or voluntary. This means that tourism corresponds to the realization of temporary trips for religious purposes, business and, mainly, leisure and rest.

The different types of tourism (rural, ecotourism, cultural, religious, adventure, fishing, etc.) are considered based on the products offered by territories and also from the types of consumers (religious groups, young people, teenagers, elderly, sportsmen, businessmen, students, among others). A place considered as

inducing fate for tourism it usually offers a wide range of practices, or specific activities; traditions, spirituality or religious temples; geographic, historical, social and architectural aspects and characteristics; in addition to services and infrastructure in general for the establishment of tourist groups.

With the advance of the globalization process, tourism is a growing activity all over the world. According to data from the OMT, the international tourist flow increased, between 2000 and 2010, just over 130 million annual arrivals to the most diverse parts of the planet. It is estimated that this number will grow by an average of 3.3% each year until 2030, when it should surpass the mark of 1.3 billion arrivals per year. It appears that not even the financial economic crises of the late 2000s and early 2010s had an impact on tourism in the world.

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In Brazil, tourism is the activity of the tertiary sector that grows the most economically, moving more and more financial resources. However, the national territory still presents timid numbers in terms of receipts from foreign tourists in view of its real potential. The trend, however, is for the sector to grow above the world average over the next few decades.

According to the OMT, in 2013, the world had more than 1 billion people classified as tourists, among which, more than half moved towards Europe, as we can see in relation to follow:

Distribution of world tourism (tourist reception)

Europe - 51.85%

Asia and Pacific – 22.87%

North America - 10.16%

Africa – 5.14%

Middle East – 4.67%

Central America and the Caribbean – 2.79%

South America - 2.52%

It is possible to notice that, according to the regions classified by the OMT, the one that receives the least tourists is South America, although the continent has many tourist attractions. In Europe, on the other hand, the greater presence of destinations is notorious, with emphasis on the cities of London and Paris, you two places that receive the most tourists in the world.

London, one of the cities that receive the most tourists in the world
London, one of the cities that receive the most tourists in the world

Tourism is, after all, one of the most important social, cultural and economic activities of our time. In addition to ensuring the development of many areas and moving the world economy, it also promotes the transformation of geographic space, the valorization of the historical elements of the different regions and the interaction between the host communities and the tourist groups visitors.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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