In order to raise awareness of the importance of good practices and health conditions in improving the development of children and adolescents, both at school, as in the formation of citizenship, the Ministries of Health and Education started this Monday, March 11, the Health Week in School. The initiative, which runs until Friday, the 15th, has as its theme the “Prevention of obesity and eye health”.
In these five days, 13,000 Primary Health Care teams will visit around 30,000 public schools across the country to take health exams. view and assess the weight, measurement and Body Mass Index (BMI) of millions of students in elementary and high schools, day care centers and preschools. Educational activities on healthy eating, fighting drugs, sexual and reproductive health and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases are also being carried out.
The launch of Semana Saúde na Escola 2013 took place this morning at Centro Educacional Fundamental 01, in Vila Planalto, and was attended by the minister of health, Alexandre Padilha. Established in 2012, at the national level, the mobilization benefited almost 10 million students in about 20 thousand schools, in its last edition.
According to a survey conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), one in three children aged between 5 and 9 years are overweight. In addition, in the last four decades, overweight rose from 3.7% to 21.7% among adolescents. Regarding visual ability, 30% of school-age children have a refraction problem, which has directly contributed to school failure and dropout.
By Wanja Borges
Source: Brazil School -