O golgi complex is an important organelle of eukaryotic cells and it is present in greater quantity in those specialized in the secretion process. It is in this organelle that many substances produced in the endoplasmic reticulum, like proteins, are modified, stored and addressed.
→ Structure of the Golgi complex
The golgiense complex consists of a pile of cisterns (flattened membranous sacks), which do not physically communicate with each other and which have their lateral portions dilated. This organelle has two faces: one convex and one concave.
The convex face is called the cis, and the concave is called trans. the face cis is the region where the vesicles originated in the endoplasmic reticulum merge, and the face trans it is the place where the vesicles that leave the Golgiense complex appear and guarantee the secretion of substances.
→ Cell secretion
The golgiense complex is responsible for secreting substances produced in the endoplasmic reticulum and also for secreting the macromolecules produced by itself, such as pectin.
The substances produced by the reticulum are carried through vesicles, which fuse with the Golgi complex on the face. cis of the organelle. Then they are transported through the complex to the face trans, where they will be released.During this transport of the face cis until trans, it is common that there are modifications in these substances. This is due to the fact that in the cisterns of the golgiense complex are found several enzymes that participate in different processes, such as glycosylation (addition of a carbohydrate to a molecule) and the partial hydrolysis of proteins.
Observe the paths taken by a substance to its secretion
On the trans face, vesicles sprout that will take the substance to the proper place. For this to happen, the Golgi complex marks each vesicle so that they reach their destination, which can be other organelles, such as the lysosomes and the plasma membrane. In the place where the vesicle releases its contents, there are “anchoring sites” that allow the identification of the correct vesicle. Thus, we can say that, before releasing a vesicle for its secretion, the Golgi complex is able to identify the place of action of each one, correctly addressing them.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/secrecao-celular-complexo-golgiense.htm