Soft cancer (cancer): cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

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Cancer mole is also known by the names chancroid, venereal cancer and, popularly, horse. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteriumHaemophilus ducreyi occurring more frequently in male patients between twenty and thirty years of age.

The symptomatic individual initially presents a little reddish bubble that breaks up quickly. As it is quite contagious, it gives rise to other painful, deep lesions, with a soft base and irregular edges. Pus may appear in the groin area, which fuse and accumulate pus, which can be released.
Men are most affected in the foreskin and women, in the labia minora and uterine cervix. Anus and mouth can also be contaminated due to oral and anal modalities.
Your incubation period varies between three days and two weeks, and for diagnosis, clinical analyzes and exams are carried out with the secreted material. Unlike some STDs, soft cancer does not develop complications and is completely curable.
For treatment, it is considered the use of drugs, local hygiene and application of compresses with diluted potassium permanganate or boricaded water. If there is purulent inflammation, the fluid is surgically removed. The patient must be followed for about three months, in order to verify if the cure was effective.

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Curiosity: the first report of this disease takes us back to 1711, in São Paulo, characterized by two chancroid lesions in a female slave.

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Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.
By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Soft cancer (cancer)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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