Biological differences between men and women

The human species has individuals with separate sexes, that is, it has males and females. Biologically speaking, men and women have very marked differences, both anatomically, physiologically and genetically, which characterizes “sexual dimorphism”.

chromosomal differences

We know that in human cells there are 23 pairs of chromosomes. Of these, 22 pairs are autosomes and the other two chromosomes (1 pair) are called sexual. Autosome chromosomes are common to both sexes and have no marked differences between them; however, sex chromosomes determine the characteristics of a male and a female. In women, there is the presence of two sex X chromosomes, which are homologous. In men, in turn, the presence of an X chromosome and a Y chromosome is observed.

Hormonal differences

Men and women have sex hormones in different amounts that ensure the development of primary and secondary sexual characters. Men have a higher concentration of androgens, such as testosterone, unlike women, who have a higher concentration of estrogen.

Androgens are related, among other functions, to the inhibition of breast development, lengthening of the cords. vocal, laryngeal growth, development of body hair, sebaceous gland activities and effects on the libido. Estrogens, in turn, promote the development of the uterus and ovaries, act on the breasts and play a fundamental role in menstruation.

sexual maturity

At puberty, the period in which the organism's biological maturation occurs, the development of secondary sexual characters is observed. In this phase, marked changes occur in both men and women, making them fit for reproduction.

In general, puberty in girls starts earlier than in boys. In girls, from 8 years of age onwards, the appearance of breasts is already observed; and around the age of 12, the first menstruation occurs. In boys, on the other hand, testicle volume begins to increase around 11 years of age, pubic hair begins to appear around 12 years of age, and hair on the face only at 15 years of age.

information processing

Male and female brains do not work the same way, with slight differences in the way they process information and emotions. Some neurophysiologists explain that men are better at calculus than women, who, in turn, handle human relationships and language better.. These differences are likely related to the orientation of connections between neurons.

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Another interesting point regarding the male and female central nervous system is that women have more gray matter (region with cell bodies of neurons) when compared to men, who have more white mass (formed by prolongations of the neurons).

Physical activity performance

Men and women also show differences when it comes to performance in physical activities. In the case of aerobic exercise, men have advantages, as they have a greater number of red blood cells in the blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen needed for cellular respiration (the process of energy acquisition by the cell). In terms of strength, men also have advantages due to greater production of testosterone, which causes a greater increase in muscle. Women have greater flexibility, which ensures better performance of activities that require precise movements.

amount of fat

Women have a greater amount of body fat when compared to men. This greater amount of fat is usually associated with the fact that the woman bears the baby, thus needing an additional source of energy. Many researchers associate the fact that humans have less fat and more muscle to their role as a hunter in the early days of human evolution.

Differences in voices

Men and women also have typical differences between voices, with men's voices being more serious than women's. In men, the vocal folds are thicker and more elastic, vibrating more than 120 times per second. In women, vibration occurs more frequently, and these folds are thinner and more tense.

It is worth noting that hormonal changes are responsible for changes in the voice. If a woman, for example, receives testosterone, her voice will become more masculine, as this hormone is related to an increase in the mass of the vocal folds.
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