Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization

O globalization process it is, every day, more advanced, intensifying and spreading throughout the world. This phenomenon represents the integration, at a global level, of different locations through the advances made in the field of communications and transport, providing a global relationship at economic, cultural, political and, consequently, social.

There are, therefore, many of those who admire and consider the phenomenon of globalization of societies to be important, while there are, on the other hand, those critics who consider it harmful. Therefore, there is talk of the existence of advantages and disadvantages of globalization, although the definition of what each of these “sides” would be depends on who promotes its analysis.

In an effort to synthesize the various conclusions already made, we will then highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of globalization respectively. It is worth clarifying, however, that this analysis is not a general consensus, and there may be disagreements about any of the elements presented.

Advantages of Globalization

Among the advantages of globalization, the first and most obvious of all to be mentioned is the reduction of distances and time, pointing to a phenomenon that David Harvey called “compression Space time". This occurred thanks to technological advances in the field of communication and means of transport, which are increasingly faster and more efficient, mainly as a result of the Technical-Scientific-Informational Revolution. This configuration allowed the dissemination of news and knowledge more quickly, crossing physical and political barriers around the world.

Another aspect that can be considered positive about Globalization is the reduction in the average price of products, although this is not a constant feature. Through greater global political integration, among other elements (such as the formation of Economic Blocs), many products became cheaper and also more abundant, being widely spread throughout the planet. In many cases, industrialized products have their production processes decentralized in various parts of the world, which contributes to lower costs.

Advances in the scientific and knowledge fields are also notorious. Today, for example, if there is a new discovery in the field of medicine made in any country, the rest of the world will become aware of this novelty almost in real time. Diverse information on economic, political and social data is also rapidly dispersed, contributing to the advancement of many areas of knowledge. It is not by chance that the Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells claims that we are living in the “society of knowledge”.

In the financial field, Globalization also presents what we can consider as advantages. In the meantime, the investments made easier and that can spread across the globe are highlighted; the greater availability of means to manage companies and governments; the possibility of larger and broader types of fiscal debt financing; the integration of the world banking system, among other aspects.

Disadvantages of Globalization

Among the disadvantages of globalization, it is necessary to remember that many of them are credited not only to this process itself, but also and mainly to the capitalist system, to which globalization is intrinsically turned on. In fact, for the world, it is just the globalization of the capitalist system and the spread of dominant values ​​for the entire global society, a conception that underlies much of the criticism promoted.

The first major disadvantage of the Globalization process, in the view of its critics, is the uneven way in which it expands, benefiting, almost always, the most economically developed locations and arriving "late" or "incompletely" to other regions, making them dependent economically.

Another disadvantage, also related to inequality, is the pace and direction of information flows. Some regions, especially those belonging to developed countries, are able to more easily expand their values ​​and information, something that does not occur with more peripheral regions. So, for example, French, American or English cultures are easily recognized across the planet, while other cultures are marginalized or even relegated to ostracism, because their places of origin cannot transmit them through the means of expansion of the globalization.

In the economic field, the issue of inequality once again emerges as the core of the criticisms directed at globalization. The expansion of multinational companies - despite managing to lower prices - is a heavy blow to free competition, given that few institutions control a large part of the market worldwide. In addition, the displacement of factories allows for the acquisition of cheaper raw materials and the employment of more affordable work, reducing wages and contributing to the progressive deregulation of laws labor.

Globalization also has disadvantages in the financial field, especially in the way it manages to quickly spread speculative economic crises. The 2008 US housing crisis, for example, was quickly felt in Europe and, by extension, elsewhere. of the world, causing a total collapse of speculation systems across the planet, increasing unemployment and debt rates public services.

Finally, the environmental issue is also cited as a disadvantage of globalization, as the pace of consumption increasingly intensified in the world contributed to a greater exploitation of natural resources, in addition to a progressive acceleration of the process of pollution of air, water and productive means, such as the soil. Global warming or the devastation of forests are constant arguments for this factor.

Currently, there are many anti-globalization movements which center their criticisms on these presented disadvantages and also on other aspects, such as commercial protectionism and the political-economic imperialism of developed countries. Among these movements and organizations, the Occupy Wall Street and to World Social Forum.

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