Why Do Cats Always Fall Upright?

You don't need to take a test, but watch a cat fall from somewhere, it always lands on its feet. This is because cats have a very fine sense of balance that allows them to make quick movements and turn their bodies on all fours.
The pussy performs this juggling act relying on the great sensitivity of the receptors (the internal structure of the ear responsible for balance).

After all, how does the cat do it?
This is all allowed through the physiology (the system itself) of the cat.
Whenever the cat is in an uncomfortable position, there is an increase in pressure in the region, working as an alert, so this "alert message" is sent to the nervous system that sends various electrical signals to the locomotor system, in particular, the muscles.
Thus, the muscles perform a series of instinctive movements that make the animal's body regain balance.

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The cats
By Thiago Ribeiro
BrasilEscola.com Team

AnimalsCuriosities - Brazil School

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Cats always fall on their feet"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/gatos-sempre-caem-de-pe.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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