We know that the verb is included among the grammatical classes, and that it is also the term that suffers the most inflections, whether from number, person, mode, time and voice.
The same is conceptualized as being the word that expresses action, state or change of state and phenomenon of nature.
And to talk about the noun forms of the verb, it is important to know the "why" of this denomination, or that is, in certain circumstances, this verb can assume the role of a noun (noun, adjective or adverb).
The nominal forms are:
Infinitive - It is when the verb is presented in its original form, that is, it is not conjugated. For a better understanding, it is necessary to remember those three endings: first conjugation - AR; second conjugation - ER; third conjugation - IR.
In the case of the infinitive, we have the Personal, in which the verbal process is related to a being. Like for example: I need to dophysical activity.
And the Impersonal, where the verbal process is not restricted to any being, that is, there is no subject relating to the verb.
For example, we have: Physical activity is essential for health.
Gerund - indicates an incomplete or prolonged verbal action and has the ending -NDO.
The girl was studying when I asked her out.
I'm memorizing these formulas for tomorrow's test.
Participle - reveals the past tense of the verbal action and its occurrence is manifested in verbal utterances, compound tenses and reduced sentences. Its termination is in ADO and IDO. Let's see:
If you had told me, you wouldn't have arrived sooner.
Approved in the contest, I will start my project.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team
Grammar - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/formas-nominais-verbo.htm