History Facts Related to Nazism

O Nazism it was a movement against democracy, stemming from the German defeat in World War I. Its leader, Adolf Hitler, introduced a terrorist policy in Germany, which led to thousands of deaths, including his own, in 1945. But to understand Nazism better, we must understand the situation the world found itself in and the historical facts that influenced that ideology.
In 1917, the Russians, tired of the precarious living conditions and economic crises, overthrew Tsar Nicholas II and adopted communism as a political ideology. Theoretically, in communism there are no class divisions. Everyone works for common sense. There is no exploitation of the worker, nor employers. Inspired by Karl Marx's theory, Lenin founded the Communist Party in Russia. By putting pressure on the monarchic government for its mismanagement, the communists seized power. After the fall of the tsar, Russia started to grow economically again. Community farms of state power were created, economic plans were instituted and communism took on unimaginable forces. For totalitarian regimes (like Hitler's Nazism) this ideology is threatening.

In 1918, the First World War ended. Germany, already torn apart, surrendered to prevent the destruction of what was left of its army. In France, she was forced to sign a document that held her responsible for the damages of the war: the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty, in addition to making it responsible, prohibited Germany from manufacturing weapons, planes and tanks; it forced the country to return conquered territories, such as Alsace-Lorraine, and imposed a tax law in which it had to compensate the losses of the victorious countries. Such a treaty, in addition to sinking Germany further into an economic crisis, aroused in Germans an exacerbated nationalism and a desire for revenge. The German (though Austrian-born) who was most affected by the humiliation of the treaty was Adolf Hitler.
In the 1920s, the United States was experiencing a defining moment in its history, known as the “Economic Miracle”. Entering only at the end of World War I, the United States was faced with destroyed countries and it was easy to win. With the victory of the Triple Entente, the country profited a lot and prospered. But, at the end of the aforementioned decade, what no one imagined would happen: the United States entered a crisis. The country depended on exports, which were many; but with the damage of the war, these exports drastically declined. The internal economy began to be affected. Excited about economic growth, Americans invested heavily and banks prospered. The industries produced much more than usual until in 1929, the crisis, which had started at the beginning of the decade, exploded with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange. Banks failed, industries had no one to sell to, people committed suicide and countries that depended on the US economy collapsed. Among them, Hitler's Germany.
Motivated by nationalism and seeing his country plunged into crisis, Hitler idealized and put Nazism into practice. With alienating and misleading advertisements, he deceived the population to go against the communists, the Jews (who he said were the responsible for the loss of World War I), blacks, homosexuals (for wanting to “clean up” Germany and leave it only for the Aryans) and others. Fortunately, his mission failed and he shot himself in the temple.

By Demercino Junior
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/historiag/fatos-historia-relacionados-nazismo.htm

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