For me or for me? Pronominal placement: for me or for me?

for me to play

There is nothing better than the me subject of verb in infinity. For me to play. Cariocas who don't know grammar talk like that. All Brazilians should want to talk like Cariocas who don't know grammar.

The ugliest words in the Portuguese language are perhaps elsewhere and small.

(FLAG, Manuel. Select in prose and verse. Org: Emanuel de Moraes.4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1986. P. 19)

Manuel Bandeira, one of the greatest writers of Brazilian Literature and a member of the modernist movement, played, in his text, with the use of pronouns. This happened because one of the features of modernism it was precisely to register in the literary text the different speeches of the Brazilian people. In literary language, the poet can use what we call poetic license, but in our day-to-day and in the different situations in which it is necessary to write a text, it is necessary to know the standard modality.

After all, what is the correct form, “for me or for me”? Well, the use of each of the expressions will depend on the usage situation, as both exist and are correct. Therefore, the expression “for me” should be used when “I” assumes the function of subject. The expression “for me” will be used when “me” plays the role of a direct object. Look at the examples:

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When to use "for me":

I need a vacation to me rest. (right)

I need a vacation to me rest. (wrong)

fifteen days to go me travel. (right)

fifteen days to go me travel. (wrong)

Important tip: “For me” should be used whenever the subject is followed by an infinitive verb that indicates an action.

When to use "for me":

You can buy the ticket for me? (right)

You can buy the ticket for me? (wrong)

that invitation is for me, not for you. (right)

that invitation is for me, not for you. (wrong)

Important tip: “Me”, which is a tonic oblique personal pronoun and must always be preceded by a preposition, will only be used when performing the complement function in a clause.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "For me or for me?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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