Foreigners who wish to study in Brazil can enroll in PEC-G 2016/2017

Registration is now open for the 2017 Selection Process of the Student-Graduate Agreement (PEC-G). Students from countries that have an educational agreement with Brazil and who are at least 18 years old and, preferably, up to 23 years old, have completed high school.

Interested parties can register until July 15 at the Brazilian diplomatic mission in their country. Upon registration, applicants must sign a Financial Responsibility Term, ensuring to have a minimum equivalent to 400 US dollars per month in order to defray expenses in the Brazil. It is also necessary to present the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners, the Celpe-Bras.

Candidates from countries that do not apply Celpe-Bras, after selecting the PEC-G, will be submitted to the Portuguese course.

See the list of courses offered by PEC-G

The opportunities offered by the program include countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and Oceania, as listed below.

Africa, Asia and Oceania: South Africa, Angola, Algeria, Benin, Cape Verde, Cameroun, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Lebanon, India, Morocco, Mali, Namibia, Mozambique, Pakistan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Sao Tome and Principe, Republic of Congo, Syria, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, East Timor, Tunisia.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela.


The classification of candidates registered will be based on their academic record. The global average of secondary education equal to or greater than 60% will be taken into account; global average of secondary education in the official language of your country (French, English, Spanish or Portuguese) equal to or greater than 60%; and adequacy of the high school curriculum to the intended undergraduate course.

On September 30th, the preliminary result of the selection should be announced, with a deadline for informing of withdrawal until October 21st. The final result of the PEC-G 2016/2017 should be published on December 12th.

Foreigners selected by the PEC-G can also apply for a scholarship worth one minimum wage. The Milton Santos Access to Higher Education Project (Promisaes) aims to help support students during the course, as many come from poor countries.


The PEC-G is a program of the Ministry of Education (MEC) that, through the Secretariat of Higher Education (SESu), makes available scholarships in undergraduate courses for students from developing countries and who have educational agreements with the Brazil.

More information on PEC-G Notice or not MEC website.

Source: Brazil School -

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