The material conditions of existence in Marxist dialectics

The Hegelian dialectic stated that the phenomena contained in themselves an intrinsic movement, causing a becoming perpetual and that marked its own negation, conservation and synthesis. This way of expressing the contradiction – the conflict as the very substance of reality – was the solution given by Hegel to idealism predominant in his time and that made the being of things intangible, therefore immutable, leaving only the appearance as movement. Thus, the dialectic would point out the contradictions in social life that would lead to the denial of a certain order. With Feuerbach's materialism, reality was captured from sensations and these determined the awareness of men's actions.

Being influenced by both currents, Marx tried to refute and synthesize them at the same time, even if from an inversion. According to the approach to social life, Marx conceived that men have as the basis of their relationships the way they produce their means of existence. Such method was called historical-dialectical materialism.

It does not aim to establish general laws of movement, but to elucidate concrete facts of how this movement occurred in History.

This perspective conceives the ephemerality of all phenomena, attesting, including, and mainly, that the production processes are transitory (and not immutable) and that the conceptions that govern the social relationships, as well as determine individual consciences.

The production of material means allowed and allows men to continue to exist, satisfying their needs. This production, as a historical fact, is what determines, according to Marx, the interaction of men with nature, as well as with the other individuals, reproducing the production processes and transmitting them to ensure the maintenance of existence Social. It is from the production process that men establish social relationships and create the conditions to regulate collective interests. O workit is the foundation of historical materialism that determines economic, social, political, etc. factors.

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However, the production process was developed in determined stages, not being the result of individual will. The state of social development is intrinsically realized from its production relations and of yours productive forces. These concern man's interaction with nature and the means available to him to meet his needs; those are the express result of the interaction of men – when together they act in the transformation of nature, as well as in social transformation.

Therefore, it is from the way men organize their material production of existence that they organize themselves, create laws and customs, establishing relationships around the notion of work, which is how man intervenes in nature to satisfy his needs. This method aims to understand the concrete facts, envisioning the possibility of a reconstruction history of man, which intends to become aware of its contradictions, with the intention of overcome them. And the current economic system or mode of production, the capitalism, is the challenge to be overcome due to the immensity of evident contradictions within the system.

By João Francisco P. Cabral
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU
Master's student in Philosophy at the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP

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CABRAL, João Francisco Pereira. "The material conditions of existence in Marxist dialectics"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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