Meaning of Precept (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Precept is a masculine noun with Latin origin praeceptus and what does it mean order, rule, standard or condition.

A precept can also refer to a doctrine, commandment or teaching. The precepts can be the commandments or bases of a certain religion and therefore expressions such as the precepts of Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, Umbanda, etc., are common.

The adverbial phrase "by precept" means rigorously, in detail, in detail.

Example: He was promoted because he followed his boss's instructions to the letter..

constitutional precepts

Constitutional precepts are principles or norms established in the Constitution and that may be related to the freedoms, guarantees and rights of citizens. There are precepts related to legality, equality, freedom, broad defense and contradictory.

When a precept of this type is not complied with or is at risk of being violated, legal action can be used to prevent or repair the damage. If the damage is caused by the Public Authority, the appropriate action is the Allegation of Non-Compliance with a Fundamental Precept (ADPF).

Examples of constitutional precepts are articles that:

  • establish norms of fundamental rights and guarantees of citizens,
  • define the competences of each entity (Union, states, Federal District and municipalities),
  • establish the division of the Three Powers and their functions.

See also the meanings of federal Constitution and Constitutional right.


Also in the legal sphere, the injunction consists of a fine that is determined in court to penalize a debtor, obliging him to fulfill his due obligation.

It is important to point out that the precept does not replace the fulfillment of the obligation, that is, even paying the stipulated amount, the debtor will continue to have to fulfill the obligation.

The use of the injunction precept is common in processes that involve an obligation to do. In this case, the attribution of an injunction serves to "force" the fulfillment of the obligation discussed in the lawsuit.

Also read the meanings of law and process.

Candomblé precept

In Candomblé, the precept (or guard) is a set of rules relating to the offerings and foods that are given to the Orixás, with each Orixá having its own preferences. There are also foods that are prohibited for each Orixá.

Therefore, people who follow the precept of a particular Orixá can follow a specific diet, so that "inappropriate" foods do not interfere in their connection with the entity.

Learn more about Candomblé and meet Oxum,Odara, Oxossi and Shango.

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