Cerrado Fauna and Flora: characteristics, examples, threats

The fauna and flora of the thick are extremely rich: about 5% of all biodiversity on the planet is found in this biome. Due to such diversity, the Cerrado is considered the richest savannah in the world.

It is important to highlight that the Cerrado is formed by a vegetation mosaic, presenting from forest formations to rural formations. Furthermore, it is influenced by a series of environmental factors, like fire regime, kind of ground and climate. All these factors contribute to the diversity of species in the Cerrado.

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When we talk about Cerrado fauna, we are referring to the animal species that live in this area. In the Cerrado, it is possible to find endemic species, that is, exclusive to this region, as well as species that live in other biomes. See below some species of animals that can be found in the Cerrado:

  • Wild Dog Vinegar (Speothos venaticus): The bush dog or just bush dog is a small species that has a compact body and short legs and tail. These animals, which can be found alone or in groups, have an exclusively carnivorous diet.

The wild dog-vinegar is a carnivorous species that can be found in groups.
The wild dog-vinegar is a carnivorous species that can be found in groups.

  • emu (American Rhea):The rhea is considered the largest and heaviest Brazilian bird. It is an omnivorous animal that feeds on fruits, seeds, leaves, insects and small animals such as frogs. Despite being classified as birds, rheas do not fly.

The rhea is a bird that does not fly.
The rhea is a bird that does not fly.

Read too:Birds of the Cerrado

  • Guara wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus): The maned wolf is a very typical canid of the Cerrado, being considered the largest canid in South America. Despite being big, it is a little aggressive animal. Among the participants in its diet, we can mention some small animals and typical fruits of the Cerrado, such as the lobeira.

The maned wolf is a little aggressive animal.
The maned wolf is a little aggressive animal.

  • complained (Tayassu peccary): Chinchilla is an animal found in groups. These animals are most active in the early morning and late afternoon. Their diet is mainly composed of fruits, although they also feed on insects and earthworms.

Queixada is an animal that feeds on fruits and small animals.
Queixada is an animal that feeds on fruits and small animals.

  • seriema (Cristata): The seriema is a medium-sized territorial bird. It feeds on insects and small vertebrates. A striking feature of the seriema is that it prefers to run rather than fly.

The seriema is a bird that prefers to run rather than fly.
The seriema is a bird that prefers to run rather than fly.

  • Puma (Puma concolor): The cougar is an animal that stands out for its size, being classified as the second largest feline in the Americas, second only to the jaguar. This animal, also known as the puma, is carnivorous and has a solitary habit, forming pairs only during the reproduction period.

The cougar is the second largest feline in the Americas.
The cougar is the second largest feline in the Americas.

  • Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): O giant anteater is an animal with long hair, strong limbs and a long snout. This species is usually found alone. Its food consists mainly of termites and ants.

The giant anteater feeds mainly on ants and termites.
The giant anteater feeds mainly on ants and termites.

  • Little Anteater (Anteater tetradactyla): The small anteater is a species that has short yellowish hairs. They may have two striking black stripes that start from the scapula region. These animals feed, preferably, on termites and ants.

The small anteater is much smaller than the giant anteater.
The small anteater is much smaller than the giant anteater.

  • Pampas Deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus): The pampas deer is an animal that usually lives in small groups. It feeds on leaves, bushes and flowers, always preferring those portions that are easier to digest.

The pampas deer is found in small groups.
The pampas deer is found in small groups.


The flora of the Cerrado is very diverse, featuring plants with the most varied particularities. Despite the differences, most species have certain characteristics in common: small trees, twisted stem and thick bark and leaves. According to the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Biodiversity and Forests, these characteristics are the result of an imbalance in the content of micronutrients, such as aluminum.

See below some important plants found in the Cerrado:

  • Araticum (Annona crassiflora): This plant has fruits with high nutritional value, which can be eaten in nature or used to make jellies, ice creams and juices. The araticum fruit has great flavor and aroma.

Araticum presents a very appreciated fruit.
Araticum presents a very appreciated fruit.

  • Baru (Dypteryx alata): Baru is a fruit tree native to the Cerrado, which is of great importance in terms of nutrition. Both the pulp and the baru almond can be consumed, the latter being ingested in nature or toast.

The pulp and almonds from the baru are used in food.
The pulp and almonds from the baru are used in food.

  • Buriti (flexuous Mauritius): Buriti is a species of palm that has great economic application. Its leaves are used for handicrafts, and its fruits can be used in food and in the manufacture of buriti oil, which has medicinal value.

Virtually all parts of buriti can be used.
Virtually all parts of buriti can be used.

  • Cajuzinho-do-cerrado (anacardium humile): This plant is native to the Brazilian Cerrado and is characterized by the presence of a pseudofruit (fleshy part), which can be eaten in nature or be used to make sweets, ice cream and drinks.

Cashew nuts can be used in food.
Cashew nuts can be used in food.

  • Ipê-yellow-do-cerrado (Golden Tabebuia): The ipe trees are characteristic plants of the Cerrado. They stand out for the beauty of their flowers, being, therefore, widely used in landscaping. In addition, they feature a resistant wood, which can be used in joinery.

The ipe is widely used in landscaping.
The ipe is widely used in landscaping.

  • Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril): Jatobá is a tree that bears fruit in the form of pods, whose seeds are wrapped in a kind of edible flour.

Jatobá flour is used in food.
Jatobá flour is used in food.

  • Lobeira (solanum lycocarpum): The lobeira, a plant widely found in the Cerrado, has fruits that serve as food for various animals, such as the maned wolf.

The fruits of the wolf are used as food for the maned wolf.
The fruits of the wolf are used as food for the maned wolf.

  • mangabeira (specious Hancorn): The word “mangaba” has an indigenous origin and means “good thing to eat”. Given this name, it is clear that it is a plant with tasty and widely consumed fruits.

Mangaba is a very tasty fruit.
Mangaba is a very tasty fruit.

  • Pequi tree (Caryocar brasiliensis): O pequi tree is a tree that produces fruits known as pequi, used in cooking. The pequi pulp oil has medicinal applications, in addition to being used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

The fruit of the pequi tree can be used in cooking and in the manufacture of cosmetics.
The fruit of the pequi tree can be used in cooking and in the manufacture of cosmetics.


The fauna and flora of the Cerrado are increasingly threatened, mainly as a result of human action. Among the main threats faced, we can mention:

  • Increase of cities;

  • Advancement of agriculture and livestock;

  • Fires;

  • Pollution;

  • Hunting and fishing.

Read too: Cerrado, a risk of extinction in Goiás

By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Fauna and Flora of the Cerrado"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/cerrado-1.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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