Meaning of Workday (What it is, Concept and Definition)

workday is the period during which the employee is at your company's disposal, and this time is established in the Labor Law.

Each country has its own regulations for the number of hours in the working day, its limits and specific considerations.

In Brazil, the working hours are regulated by the Federal Constitution, expressed through the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws), which establishes that the limit of 8 hours per day or 44 hours per week of work, without considering the period of rest and meals, nor the time spent by the employee to the workplace, as part of the working hours.

The limitation of working hours stems from the right to life, as the excess of working hours may lead to the loss of life itself or a restriction to its quality.

In Labor Law there are also others types of working hours, like:

  • Part-time regime: weekly working hours of up to 25 hours;
  • Journey in uninterrupted shifts: is when the employee, during a certain period, works in constant shifts;
  • journey in hours in itinere: when the company is in a place of difficult access, the employer provides the transportation, and at that moment it is already considered as a working day.

The normal length of the working day can be increased by a maximum of two hours, provided that previously agreed in writing with the employee or by collective agreement, also known as overtime.

Learn more about the meaning of work and Consolidation of labor laws.

Working hours and working hours

There are differences between working hours and working hours. The working day is the time the employee is available to his employer, waiting for or executing orders.

The working hours are the start and end milestones of a working day, but in the journey only the actual working time is computed.

See also the meaning of minimum wage.

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