THE Austria is a country of Europe Central. It has a predominantly temperate climate and rugged relief, as a result of the presence of the Alps, which covers most of the Austrian territory. The country is covered by forests and is crossed, to the north, by the river Danube. Your more than 9 million inhabitants are mainly concentrated in the northern and eastern portions of the country.
the Austrian economy stands out in the tertiary sector, with financial services and tourism. Vienna, the country's capital, is recognized as the capital of classical music and has been considered, for 10 consecutive years, the city with the best quality of life in the world.
Read too: What are the countries in Europe?
General data for Austria
- Official name: Republic of Austria
- Gentile: austrian
- Extensionterritorial: 83,871 km²
- Location: Europe
- capital: Vienna
- Climate: Predominantly Seasoned
- Government: parliamentary republic chaired by Alexander van der Bellen
- Divisionadministrative: states, districts and municipalities
- Language: German
- religions:
- Catholics: 60.4%
- Protestants: 3.8%
- orthodox: 2.4%
- other Christian religions: 1.1%
- Muslims: 7.3%
- other religions: 0.5%
- no religion or atheists: 18.2%
- unknown: 6.4%
- Population: 9,006,398 (UN, 2020)
- Densitydemographic: 109.3 inhab/km² (UN, 2020)
- IndexinDevelopmentHuman (HDI): 0,922
- Coin: Euro (€)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$ 445.075 billion
- GDP per capita: $51,460
- Gini: 0,297
- spindleschedule: GMT +1 hour (Central European Standard Time)
- Relationsexteriors:
- European Union
- Council of Europe
- UN
- world Bank
history of austria
The occupation of the area where Austria is located dates back to the Paleolithic period, but its history as a territory begins with the arrival of the Celts in the region and the creation of the Nordic kingdom. the domain of iempire roman over the area in 15 a. C., approximately, was responsible for the opening of roads and installation of municipalities. Since then, it has been under the rule of the King of the Franks at the time, Charlemagne, the Babenbergs, Bavaria and the Hapsburgs.
O Austro-Hungarian empire was formed in 1867 and fell apart in the year in which the First World War, 1918. This, in turn, was triggered by the death of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Francisco Ferdinando, in June 1914.
THE proclamation of the republic of Austria took place in 1919, and its first Constitution was promulgated the following year. After a period of annexation of Austria to German territory (1938-1945), which was under the regime Nazi of the Third Reich, Austria was declared independent on April 27, 1945.
See too: Adolf Hitler – leader of the Nazi Party
Austria map

Austria geography
Austria is a European country located in the central portion of the continent, not having a coastline. It borders, to the north, with the Czech republic; to the east, with the Slovakia and Hungary; to the south, with the Slovenia; to the southwest, with the Italy; to the west, with the Switzerland and Liechtenstein; and, to the northwest, with the Germany. The country's area is 83,871 km², home to just over 9 million people.
Austria's climate
O climate in Austria can be classified as predominantly temperate, although there are differences between the east and west regions. In general, the temperatures in the country are mild most of the year and the winters are strict. In some areas, the summers range from 20°C to 30°C. Precipitation rates are high, occurring in the form of rain and snow.
The west is marked by the greatest occurrence of winds and high humidity, registering rainfall of up to 1500 mm annually. There is occurrence of high volumes of snow, and in mountainous areas coverage can be constant. In the east of the territory, rainfall is less intense and average temperatures vary between -1 ºC and 20 ºC.
Vegetation of Austria
Austria is considered one of the countries with the highest density of forests in Europe. There are species such as oak, beech, larch pine, spruce and other conifers, common in mountainous areas. Deciduous forests can be found in the warmer areas of the territory.
Austria relief
the Austrian reveal is quite bumpy, mainly in the western and southern portions of the territory, due to the presence of part of the Alps mountain range, which occupies a significant portion of Austria. Because of this, the average elevation in the country is 910 meters.
The lands to the east have relief which oscillates from flat to gently wavy and are mostly composed of plains. The presence of the Danube river valley stands out.
O highest point from Austria is in the Alps: the Grossglockner Mountain, with 3798 meters of altitude.
Austria Hydrography
O Austria's main river is the Danube, which crosses the country to the north in a west-east direction. The Danube tributaries are: Inn, Traun, Enns, Ibosa, Traisen, Vienna, Schwechat and Leitha, on the right bank; and Aist and Kamp, on the left bank. In addition to it, other rivers that make up the country's hydrographic network are: Gail, Drava, Mura and Mürz.
Austria is also known for its lakes, such as the Wörthersee, Lake Constance, and Lake Neusidlersee.

Austria Demographics
The population of Austria passed the mark of 9 million inhabitants, according to UN data for 2020. THE demographic density of the country is 109.33 inhab/km², which places it in the 24th position among the most populated countries on the European continent. The population growth rate was 0.41% in 2019 and estimated at 0.37% in 2020, indicating the slowing population growth, a trend in European countries.
The country's most populous city is its capital, Vienna., which has 1.93 million inhabitants (UN, 2020). Austria is an urbanized country, with a rate of urbanization of 58.7%. Most of its population lives in the northern and eastern portions of the territory. In addition to those born in Austria, the country's population is made up of migrants from Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Serbia and Romania.
The average age of the Austrian population is 44.5 years, while life expectancy in the country is 82.07 years. The infant mortality rate, in turn, is 3.29 per thousand live births.
Also access: Population aging - very common phenomenon in European countries
flag of austria

Austria's economy
Austria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is among the 10 largest in the European Union,block of which the country became a member in 1995. The country's GDP per capita, which currently stands at US$51,460, is one of the 20 largest in the world.
Austria's economy focuses on the service sector, which accounts for about 70% of its GDP and employs the largest portion of the workforce. Financial services and tourism are responsible for the highest incomes in the tertiary sector.
Osecondary sector corresponds to 28.8% of the GDP Austrian. The most important industries in the country are construction, vehicles and parts, machinery, food, chemicals, electronics and also wood, especially paper and cellulose.
THE agriculture corresponds to the smallest portion of the country's economy (1.3%), although the sector is highly developed. Austria is a producer of maize, sugar beet, wheat, barley, potatoes, grapes and apples. In livestock, it stands out in the production of pork and milk.
culture of austria
Austria is recognized for the great contributions of some of its citizens who stood out in their fields of action, which encompasses painting, literature, science and, above all, classical music. These are names like Gustav Klimt, Mozart, Bethoveen, Freud, Karl Popper and Franz Kafka, who was born in Prague, at the time part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and died in Austrian territory.
At cities of Graz and Linz were once considered cultural capitals of Europe, respectively, in 2003 and 2009. The capital, Vienna, is regarded as the capital of classical music, in addition to its architectural constructions dating back centuries, dating back to the period buildings, are major tourist attractions, such as the Cathedral of St. Stephen, built in the 12th century, and the Belvedere Palace, inaugurated in the century XVIII.

Austria Infrastructure
According to the OECD Better Life Index, Austria has obtained positive results in many categories that assess well-being and quality of life population, such as income, employment, housing, personal safety, environmental quality and education.
The entire population of the country has access to electricity networks, in the same way as full access to drinking water sources, both in the countryside and in the cities. According to data from 2018, 87.7% of the Austrian population had access to the internet.
In transport, Austria has:
- 137,039 km of paved roads (2018),
- 5800 km of railways and
- 50 airports.
It also has 358 km of waterways (2011) and four river port terminals, including the one in Vienna, connected to the Danube river waterway.
Austrian government
The seat of the Austrian government is located in Vienna. Austria is a parliamentary republic, whose president is Alexander van der Bellen, of the party The Green – Green Alternative, and Sebastian Kurz as chancellor, a member of the Austrian People's Party.
Fun Facts About Austria

- 87% of the energy consumed in Austria comes from renewable sources;
- As of 2015, in the Lower Austria region, in the northeast of the country, 100% of the energy supplied came from renewable sources;
- Despite having completed the construction of a nuclear plant in the early 1970s, the country renounced the exploitation of this source through a referendum in 1978;
- The capital Vienna was considered, for 10 consecutive times, the city with the best quality of life in the world;
- Austria is home to the largest ice cave in the world. Known as Eisriesenwelt, it is 40 km long and is located in the Tenn Mountains, in the town of Werfen.
By Paloma Guitarrara
Geography teacher