Hyperthyroidism. Causes and Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

THE thyroid it is a gland formed by two lobes that are located on each side of the trachea. It is one of Organs most sensitive organs in the body and is responsible for the production of hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine), which are related to several important functions of our body, such as energy metabolism and heart rate. cardiac. When these hormones are out of balance, the consequences can be dangerous.

O hyperthyroidism it is caused by a thyroid dysfunction that leads to increased synthesis and release of hormones produced by this gland. This disease is non-communicable and is more common in women aged between 20 and 40 years.

Hyperthyroidism can have different causes, the most common being Graves' disease, which relates to approximately 80% of cases. This pathology causes the production of antibodies that excessively stimulate the thyroid gland, leading to to hyperthyroidism, which, in turn, is characterized by leaving the patient with bulging eyes and causing goiter diffuse.

It is important to note that hyperthyroidism can also be caused by thyroid nodules. Furthermore, inflammations of the gland, thyroid hormone intake and the use of certain types of medicines can cause it. There are many reports of hyperthyroidism caused by ingestion of slimming pills used without a doctor's prescription. Hence the importance of not believing in magic recipes to lose weight.

Hyperthyroidism triggers several clinical manifestations, such as nervousness, tachycardia, goiter, tremor, hot and clammy skin, sweating, heat intolerance, palpitation, fatigue, diarrhea and weight loss. It is noteworthy that symptoms vary according to the patient.

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To carry out a diagnosis correct, the doctor should ask for free TSH and T4 exams. In hyperthyroidism, T4 levels are quite elevated, unlike TSH levels. It is important that after diagnosis, an analysis of the causes of this pathology is carried out so that treatment can be started.

O treatment of this disease must be done through drugs that have the ability to decrease hormone production. In some cases, it may be necessary to use radioactive iodine treatments (contraindicated in pregnancy) and even surgery. The surgical method is only indicated in cases where there is no good response to drug treatment. In the case of Graves' disease, treatment consists of using β-blockers.

Hyperthyroidism has no means of prevention, therefore, it is essential to seek medical attention when unpleasant symptoms arise and carry out periodic examinations. An early diagnosis can be essential to avoid possible complications such as osteoporosis and blindness.

Hyperthyroidism is a serious illness that can even lead to death. Pay attention to the symptoms and, whenever necessary, look for your endocrinologist.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Hyperthyroidism"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/doencas/hipertireoidismo.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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