The US in World War I

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In 1914, the outbreak of the First World War determined the consumption of a tension that had been developing between the nations of Europe since the 19th century. Before the war, the United States defended the “open door” policy as the best solution to the strong imperialist competition. In this framework, the US government authorities believed that all imperialists had equal rights in the exploitation of Afro-Asian territories.

Despite this conciliatory premise, European countries preferred war as a solution. In this new context, the United States began to profit at the expense of World War I. In a short space of time, European nations needed huge amounts of food and weapons for the conflict. Even though it remained neutral, as a matter of interest and affinity, the US government exported its products only to the member nations of the Triple Entente.

The US solidarity behavior soon deepened, especially when we observed the loan of financial resources for the war in Europe. Until then, the conflict was turning into a very profitable and beneficial event for the US economy. On the political front, the United States hoped that the nation would be further strengthened by possibly assuming the status of broker of the peace treaties.

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Such projections would change course in the year 1917. That year, the Russians abandoned the Triple Entente with the development of the Russian Revolution. For the central powers, this would be the ideal opportunity to win the conflict. Not by chance, the Germans put into action a daring plan to attack the ships that supplied England with supplies and weapons. In this context, American ships were targeted by German submarines.

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At that time, US neutrality became unsustainable for two fundamental reasons. First, because the loss of ships represented a clear provocation that required a more incisive response from the American government. Furthermore, the departure of the Russians increased the risk of the Triple Entente being defeated and, consequently, of US bankers not receiving the huge amounts of money lent to countries in war.

On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war on the Germans and their allies. A large volume of soldiers, tanks, ships and warplanes were used to ensure the Entente's victory. Before long, German and Austrian troops were defeated. In November 1918, the Compiègne armistice brought about the withdrawal of the Germans and the quick victory of the Triple Entente.

By Rainer Sousa
Graduated in History

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SOUSA, Rainer Gonçalves. "The US in World War I"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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