The Spanish Golden Age

During the 15th century, they intensified in the PeninsulaIberian the battles of the Christian kingdoms for the expulsion of the Moors, that is, the Muslims who had almost entirely dominated the peninsula during the Middle Ages. These battles caused the formation of the Spanish national monarchy in the 1490s. This fact also coincided with the beginning of big onesnavigations and the discovery of the American continent by christopherColumbus, the Genoese navigator who was sponsored by the Spanish crown.

The decades that followed the formation of Spain were permeated by intensive cultural activities, which solidified the Spanish language as one of the most beautiful and complex Latin languages. The artistic activities produced between 1550 and 1650 marked the call Siglo de Oro or Spanish Golden Century.

The Golden Age spans chronologically two schools of thought and artistic production in Spain, the Rebirth it's the Baroque. However, on the Iberian Peninsula, medieval traditions were still quite strong until the 17th century, unlike what occurred in other regions of Europe. Thus, while there was penetration of humanist ideas, there was also an intense attachment to the typical themes of medieval Christianity. This also happened because of the strong incidence of

Counter-Reform in the Iberian countries.

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Thus, Catholicism was imperative in the works of the authors of the Golden Century, who were not restricted to the arts, but also developed reflections on philosophy and classical studies, such as FranciscoQuevedo,Tyrso de Molina and balthazargracian, as well as about the economy, with the Schoolinsalamanca, which had as an emblematic figure FranciscoSuarez.

The theater and poetry of the Golden Age also elevated the Spanish language to an international level. The main representatives of these areas were Luís de Góngora, Calderón de la Barca and lopeinvega. However, what is considered the icon of this fertile age of the arts in Spain is Miguel de Cervantes Francisco Saavedra, author of the famous novel “Don Quixote of La Mancha”, published in two parts, the first in 1605 and the second in 1615.

At painting, stood out El Greco, who, as the name implies, was Greek by birth, but settled in Spain and produced his artistic work there, BartholomewMurillo and Velazquez.

By Me. Cláudio Fernandes

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FERNANDES, Claudio. "The Spanish Golden Age"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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