Sargon II, Hebrew version of Sharru-kin

Assyrian king who extended and consolidated the domains of the empire bequeathed by Tiglat-pileser III during his last century of existence. Son of Tiglat-pileser III, he succeeded his brother Shalmaneser V, after his mysterious death (721 a. Ç.).
With a warlike and conquest goal, he immediately subdued the Chaldeans and Arameans in southern Babylon, over the kingdom of Urartu and the peoples of the northern territory. Armenian, as well as on Syria and Palestine, consolidating the expansion initiated by his father, and imposing on the subjugated the cult of the god Ashur, national deity Assyria.
It arrived in Kurdistan (714 a. C.), more with the purpose of rescuing allies threatened by Rusa I, king of Urartu and enemy of Assyria. Apparently he must have died during one of his numerous battles.
Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

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COSTA, Keilla Renata. "Sargon II"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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