What was the Republic of the Sword?

THE Republic of the Sword was the initial period of First Republic Brazilian and was characterized by two military governments: the Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca and the one of Marshal Floriano Peixoto. This period extended from 1889, with the Proclamation of the Republic, until 1894, when Prudente de Morais assumed the presidency of Brazil.

Great changes began to take place in Brazil from that period onwards, which, of course, were associated with the change in the political regime faced. The promulgation of a new Constitution started this process of political transformation. It is worth mentioning that the Republic of the Sword was also a period of tension and crisis, both economic and political.

What were the main events of the government of Deodoro da Fonseca?

After the Proclamation of the Republic, Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca was chosen to be President of Brazil on a provisional basis. The government of Deodoro da Fonseca lasted for two years, that is, from 1889 to 1891. The great event of the government of Deodoro da Fonseca was the promulgation of the Constitution of 1891.

From 1890 onwards, liberal politicians in Brazil began to pressure the government so that a Constituent Assembly was called to draft a new Constitution for Brazil. After the convocation of this new Constituent Assembly, five people were chosen to form a commission and draft the new Constitution.

This Constitution was revised by Rui Barbosa and taken to the appreciation of Brazilian parliamentarians, being promulgated in February 1891. The Constitution of 1891 brought significant changes to Brazil. The main points were:

  • Republicanism: naturally, republicanism was adopted as a system of government;

  • Federalism: federalism was adopted as a political system. This system increased the degree of autonomy of the States in relation to the Union, allowing them to have their own police force, collect taxes, etc.;

  • presidentialism: it was determined that the president would be the country's highest authority and would be chosen from direct elections for a four-year term;

  • Separationin betweenstateandchurch: the State and the Church were separated and, with that, civil registries were created for births, marriages and deaths;

  • SystemElectoral: universal male suffrage was instituted, with some exceptions: minors under 21, illiterate, private soldiers and beggars could not vote. The understanding of the law at the time did not extend the right to vote to women.

The 1891 Constitution represented a major breaking point with the country's monarchical past. In addition to all the points mentioned, this rupture became evident from the end of some typical institutions of the Monarchy: senate for life, Moderating Power, etc. Of course, even with the changes, it is undeniable to say that there was still some continuity in some monarchic traditions.

After the promulgation of the Constitution of 1891, indirect elections were held, which determined the confirmation of Deodoro da Fonseca for the position of president. Deodoro da Fonseca defeated the civilian from São Paulo Prudente de Morais with 129 votes to 97. During the elections, Marshal Floriano Peixoto was elected Vice President of Brazil.

The government of Deodoro da Fonseca, however, was marked by its authoritarianism and for attempts to seek to reinforce his power. Deodoro da Fonseca's authoritarianism resulted in the closing of Congress on November 3, 1891. The reaction was immediate, and opposition groups plus a Navy uprising (known as the First Armada Revolt) forced Deodoro to to waive the office of president on November 23, 1891.

And how were the years of Floriano Peixoto's government?

After the resignation of Deodoro da Fonseca, the Brazilian Constitution stipulated that new elections should be summoned to determine a new president, since the two years of the presidential term had not been finalized. However, the oligarchy of São Paulo supported Floriano Peixoto and sustained him in power, allowing him to take over as president of Brazil.

The inauguration of Floriano Peixoto happened as an exchange of favors between the two parties. The São Paulo oligarchy understood that Floriano's inauguration would bring greater political stability to Brazil, and Floriano knew that he would only be able to assume power if he had the support of the Paulistas. This measure, however, displeased many in Brazilian politics.

Floriano Peixoto's government was marked by intense political disputes. He had to deal with two conflicts: the Federalist Revolution and the Armada Revolt (or Second Armada Revolt). The first was a political dispute between two forces from Rio Grande do Sul that reached an air of civil war and lasted from 1893 to 1895. The Armada Revolt took place between 1893 and 1894 and expressed the Brazilian Navy's dissatisfaction with the government of Floriano Peixoto. The navy had largely royalist officers, and their dissatisfaction with Floriano's government caused them to rebel against the government and demand new presidential elections. The repression of both cases was violent, which is why Floriano Peixoto received the nickname of Iron Marshal.

And the economic crisis?

Brazil, in addition to all the political tension, characterized by regime change and the struggle of political actors for power, was also marked by a strong crisiseconomical. This crisis became known as Stranding and began during the government of Deodoro da Fonseca, in 1891.

O Stranding it was the result of the economic policy put into practice by the Minister of Finance, Rui Barbosa, which allowed the issuance of paper money by private banks and facilitated the conditions of access to credit. The result could not have been more disastrous: financial speculation increased, companies went bankrupt en masse, the cost of living increased and the currency devalued.

The Encilhamento affected Brazil's economy during much of the 1890s and only had its effects from 1897, during the government of Prudente de Morais. Furthermore, the Encilhamento was also understood by historians as a reflection of the crisis that capitalism faced since 1873.

By Daniel Neves
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/historia/o-que-foi-republica-espada.htm

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