June is the month of June festivals, which dedicates a week to the environment and a day to Bumba Meu Boi, which in 2019 received the title of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Check out the most celebrated dates in june, whose month has no holidays:
- June 5th: World environment day
- June 12: Valentine's Day
- June 21 (moving date): Beginning of winter
- June 24th: Saint John's day. Or the Day of Free Masonry
World Environment Day, June 5th
Celebrated on June 5th since 1972, the celebration of World environment day is an initiative of the UN - United Nations.
The date intends to encourage the reflection of the world population on the preservation of the environment, as well as on the concept of sustainable development.
Valentine's Day, June 12th
O Valentine's Day, on June 12, celebrates the union of couples. The date was created in the late 40s by an advertiser whose mission was to improve sales in the month of June.
Despite its commercial character, the date should be celebrated as a special moment, in which people are grateful for the companionship and affection of their partner.
Beginning of winter, 21st of June
In 2021, the beginning of winter, or Winter Solstice, takes place on the 21st of June. The coldest season of the year, which brings longer nights, ends on September 22nd.
The dates on which the seasons change provide for different activities, according to the ages. From an early age, however, it is important that they be an opportunity to introduce astronomical concepts.
St. John's Day, June 24th
St. John's Day, on June 24th, commemorates the festive saint of the June festivities, initially known as "Joanina festivals".
June festivals are widely celebrated in our country. Several traditions are part of the parties held throughout Brazil, from cooking, dancing and games.
Other dates celebrated in June
Learn more about each of the dates celebrated in June:
World Environment Week, 1 June
In Brazil, the National Environment Week is celebrated in the first week of june and was established by Decree No. 86.028, of May 27, 1981.
The objective is to encourage the preservation of the country's natural heritage among Brazilians.
Press Day, June 1st
Press Day, June 1st, is a way to honor the importance of the press in providing information to society.
The date was established by Law No. 9831, of September 13, 1999 and recalls the beginning of circulation of the Correio Braziliense, a leading newspaper in our country.
World Bike Day, June 3rd
World Bike Day, June 3rd, moves our attention to cyclists, in an attempt to ensure that they can enjoy the necessary conditions in their journeys.
This commemorative date also aims to encourage the use of bicycles as a means of transport, with benefits for mobility, air quality and health solutions.
National Day of Environmental Education, 3 June
The national day of environmental education, June 3rd, is another environmental commitment initiative.
Its objective is to make people aware of the real need to take care of the environment, therefore, proposing the promotion of activities for children and adults.
International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Assault, 4 June
Constant on the UN calendar, the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Assault, June 4, was created in 1982.
The date aims to reflect on child aggression and ways to support its victims.
Corpus Christi, June 3 (moving date and optional point)
O Corpus Christi, June 3rd in 2021, is a religious celebration in which the church celebrates the Catholic sacrament of the Eucharist, which consists of a particle made from flour that the faithful receive at mass believing it to be a part of the body of Jesus Christ.
National Recycling Day, June 5th
National Recycling Day, June 5th, aims to encourage the practice of separating recyclable materials among the population.
The date was established by Law No. 12,055, of October 9, 2009.
National Day for the Fight against Burns, 6 June
The National Day to Fight Burns, June 6th, has as main purpose to disclose ways to prevent accidents that result in burns.
This date, which also serves as a way to make people aware of the risks of burns, was established by Law No. 12,026, of September 9, 2009.
National Heel Test Day, 6 June
To raise awareness of the need for it, the National Day of the Heel Test was instituted, June 6th.
The heel prick test is one of the important ways to diagnose diseases in newborns, between the 3rd and 5th day of life.
Press Freedom Day, 7 June
Press freedom day, June 7, aims to enhance the importance of freedom in providing information in a democratic society.
In addition to this date, the same principle is remembered worldwide on May 3, when the International Press Freedom Day is celebrated.
World Oceans Day, 8 June
The UN has made official the date of World Oceans Day, June 8th, alerting us to the need to be aware of its importance; often forgotten.
Air, climate regulation and food are just some of the benefits of the oceans that should be remembered in this celebration.
Immunization Day, June 9th
Immunization day, June 9th, aims to sensitize the population to the fact that vaccines can save lives.
The creation of this date is also intended to guide people to follow the national calendar of vaccinations.
Anchieta Day, June 9th
Anchieta's Day, June 9th, is a tribute to the priest who became known as the "Apostle of Brazil".
The date recalls the day of the death of this historical figure who came to Brazil on a mission in 1553. José de Anchieta participated in the foundation of the school in the village of São Paulo and wrote a grammar in the Tupi language, also leaving writings that are part of our literature.
International Archives Day, 9 June
The International Council of Archives, created by Unesco - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, gave rise to the International Day of Archives, June 9th.
The commemoration of the date aims to make people aware of the need for the existence of records to preserve our memory.
Artillery Day, June 10th
Artillery Day, June 10, honors Marshal Emilio Mallet on his birthday. Known as the Baron of Itapevi, he is considered the Patron of Artillery in Brazil.
The commemorative date recalls the artillerymen, whose mission is to contribute to national sovereignty.
Navy Day, June 11th
Navy Day, June 11th, recalls the Naval Battle of Riachuelo, which took place on June 11, 1865 and in which the Brazilian Navy won.
This commemoration pays tribute to the oldest Armed Forces in Brazil.
Health Educator's Day, 11 June
The day of the health educator, June 11th, aims to enhance the work performed by one of the professionals responsible for health care.
Thanks to this work, many health problems can be avoided, hence the importance of honoring the health educator with a day dedicated to him.
National Airmail Day, 12 June
National Airmail Day, June 12, recalls the first flight in which a mail bag was transported between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
The feat was accomplished in 1931 by Lieutenants Nélson Freire Lavenére-Wanderley and Casimiro Montenegro Filho aboard a Curtiss Fledgling.
World Day to Combat Child Labor, 12 June
The celebration of the World Day to Combat Child Labour, June 12, aims to raise awareness of the reality of child labor in the world.
The date was created in 2002, at the initiative of the International Labor Organization, which believes that the fight against this type of work depends mainly on raising awareness of humanity.
St. Anthony's Day, June 13th
St. Anthony's Day, June 13th, commemorates one of the saints celebrated in June festivals and one of the most popular among Brazilians.
Known as the "matchmaker saint," according to popular belief, sympathies yield marriages to girls who have the desire but cannot marry.
International Albinism Awareness Day, 13 June
In order to preserve albino people from prejudice, the International Albinism Awareness Day was created, June 13th.
The date is a way to guide people about the existence of the disease, how to deal with it and, mainly, help people to live with each other.
World Blood Donor Day, 14 June
Created at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Blood Donor Day, June 14, is intended to give thanks to all blood donors, as well as clarify aspects of donation to encourage more people to perform this practice.
The date comes in honor of the immunologist Karl Landsteiner, who was born on June 14, 1868 and made several discoveries about blood.
World Day for Awareness of Violence against the Elderly, 15 June
Constant on the UN calendar, the World Day for Awareness of Violence against the Elderly, 15th of June, aims to create a protection mechanism for the elderly.
The date calls people to reflect on the reality of many elderly people in order to sensitize them.
African Children's Day, June 16
African Children's Day, June 16th, recalls the Uprising of Soweto, South Africa, on the same date in 1976. In this sad episode, hundreds of young black people were killed as they protested for schools with better conditions.
This date pays tribute to all the victims of the massacre.
World Day to Combat Desertification, June 17
Created by the UN, the World Day to Combat Desertification, June 17th, aims at global reflection on the effects of drought.
With that in mind, there is an agreement between several countries, of which Brazil is a part. The agreement was made official through the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Affected by Severe Drought and/or Desertification (UNCCD).
Chemist's Day, June 18
Chemist's Day, June 18th, recalls the date of Law No. 2800, of June 18, 1956, which provides for the exercise of the profession of chemist.
It is not just a tribute but an incentive to train new chemists.
Japanese Immigration Day, June 18
Japanese Immigration Day, June 18th, pays tribute to all the Japanese who work for the country's economy, as well as enriching our culture.
The commemorative date recalls the arrival of the first ship with Japanese immigrants, the Kasato-Maru, in 1908.
Sustainable Gastronomy Day, June 18
Created by UN General Assembly resolution, Sustainable Gastronomy Day, June 18th, aims to make people aware of the need to think about safe food production respecting biodiversity.
Brazilian Cinema Day, June 19
The day of Brazilian cinema, June 19th, recalls the date when the first filming was made in Brazil. The same was performed by cameraman Afonso Segreto, who filmed the entrance to Guanabara Bay aboard a ship.
The commemorative date pays tribute to Brazilian cinema and all those who work in film production in our country.
National Migrant Day, 19 June
The national day of the migrant, June 19th, reflects on the difficulties faced by all those who leave their land in search of better conditions to live.
In addition to being a day to raise awareness about the challenges these people face, the commemorative date recognizes the role of migrants in society.
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, 19 June
The International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, June 19th, aims to alert people about the scale of this problem.
Many women and girls are victims of sexual violence in contexts of war. In addition to alerting to this reality, the idea is to seek ways to eliminate this type of violence and help its victims.
World Refugee Day, 20 June
Through the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) the World Refugee Day was created, June 20th.
The important date aims to inform people about the reality of refugees, adults and children who are fleeing their countries mainly as a result of wars.
Handshake Day, June 21
Handshake Day, June 21th, reminds the importance of a small gesture that represents peace.
This meaning is explained as a result of its origin. In the past, to show that he was not carrying a weapon, the man extended his hand to the other, in a gesture of confidence.
Orchidist's Day, June 22nd
Orchidist's Day, June 22, is a way to value the work of the professional who is dedicated to the cultivation of orchids.
The date comes in honor of João Barbosa Rodrigues, who was born on June 22, 1842, and was director of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden for nearly twenty years.
World Olympic Sport Day, 23 June
The World Day of Olympic Sport, June 23rd, remembers the foundation date of the International Olympic Committee in 1894, which was created with the objective of recovering the competitive spirit of the first games held between the Greeks.
The commemorative date was established by Law No. 9,615, of March 24, 1998.
National Araucaria Day, 24 June
The National Day of Araucaria, June 24th, celebrates the symbol tree of Paraná, which is the pine-nut tree, an important energy reserve.
Threatened with extinction, the date aims to make people aware of this risk, stressing the importance of its conservation.
Immigrant Day, June 25
Immigrant's Day, June 25th, aims to honor people who leave their countries to live in another, usually motivated by personal issues or economic conditions.
In addition to the tribute, the commemoration also calls people to reflect on the difficulties faced by immigrants.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, June 26
Created by the UN, the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, June 26th, is an initiative that aims to serve as another moment of reflection on the problems arising from drugs.
Its commemoration serves, above all, as a way to mobilize nations to fight trafficking.
International Day of Support for Victims of Torture, 26 June
The International Day of Support for Victims of Torture, June 26th, aims to guarantee support to people victimized by this type of practice, guaranteeing conditions to overcome its consequences.
The date also serves to alert to the reality of torture in various nations.
National Progress Day, 27 June
The national day of progress, June 27th, recalls the maxim constant in the country's flag "Ordem e Progresso".
The date aims to remember and value the achievements of the Brazilian people, encouraging patriotism.
National Day of the June square, June 27
Due to the importance of June festivals in Brazilian culture, Law nº 12.390, of March 3, 2011 established the National Day of the June square, celebrated in June 27th.
The Junino square is the professional who brightens up the June parties through the various artistic expressions inherent to this tradition, such as music and dance.
International Gay Pride Day, June 28
International Gay Pride Day, June 28th, reveals the importance of fighting homophobia.
The date calls people to reflect on the need to accept differences to ensure a good experience in society.
St. Peter and St. Paul's Day, June 29
St. Peter and St. Paul's Day, June 29, recalls the date of the death of the two saints, who were martyred.
Saint Peter, the most popular among them, is remembered at June festivities, in addition to being considered the first Pope.
St. Paul, a great persecutor of Christians, was converted and became a leader of the Christian church.
National Day of Bumba Meu Boi, June 30
The National Day of Bumba Meu Boi, June 30th, celebrates one of the most popular folk festivals in Brazil.
It is for this reason that Bumba Meu Boi, in 2012, became part of the cultural heritage of our country, as attributed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN).
Celebrations for each day of June
June 1st: World Environment Week and Press Day
June 3rd: International Day of the Personnel Manager and the Social Community, World Bicycle Day and National Day of Environmental Education
June 4: International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Assault
June 5th: World Environment Day, National Recycling Day and International Day to Fight Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing
June 6th: National Day for the Fight against Burns, National Day of the Heel Test and Day of the Surveying Engineer
June 7: Press Freedom Day
June 8th: Oceanographer's Day, World Oceans Day and Citrus Grower's Day
June 9th: Immunization Day, Doorman Day, Tennis Player Day, Anchieta Day and International Archives Day
June 10: Artillery Day
June 11th: Navy Day, Health Educator Day
June 12: Valentine's Day, National Air Mail Day and World Day to Combat Child Labor
June 13th: Santo Antônio Day, Tourist Day and International Albinism Awareness Day
June 14: Soloist Day, World Blood Donor Day and Universal Day of God
15th of June: World Day for Awareness of Violence against the Elderly
June 16th: African Children's Day
June 17th: Retired Civil Servant Day and World Day to Combat Desertification
June 18th: Chemist's Day, Japanese Immigration Day and Sustainable Gastronomy Day
June 19th: Brazilian Cinema Day, National Migrant Day, International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict and World Day to Raise Awareness on Sickle Cell Disease
June 20th: World Refugee Day, Watchman Day and Dealer Day
June 21th: Media Professional Day, Handshake Day, World Skate Day, Intellectual Day, International Yoga Day and National Asthma Control Day
June 22: Orchidist's Day, Airway's Day and Economy's Day
June 23rd: World Olympic Sports Day, Olympic Athlete's Day, Farmer's Day, United Nations Public Service Day, International Widows Day and National Maritime Agent Day
June 24th: São João Day, Flying Saucer Day, Aerial Observer Day, Caboclo Day, National Araucaria Day, Graphic Industry Day and International Milk Day
June 25th: Immigrant Day and Swab Day
June 26th: International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and International Day in Support of Torture Victims
June 27th: National Volleyball Day, National Progress Day, National Nutrition and Dietetic Technician Day, and National Day of the June square
June 28th: International Gay Pride Day and Spiritual Renewal Day
June 29: São Pedro and São Paulo Day, Pope's Day, Fisherman's Day, Voice actor's Day, Telephone Operator's Day and National Day of Public Safety Aviation in Brazil
June 30th: National Day of Bumba Meu Boi and National Day of Federal Agricultural Inspector
Moving dates:
Corpus Christi (always on a Thursday, 60 days after Easter)
Beginning of winter (June 20th or 21st)
Read too:
- Festa Junina: origin, history and traditions
- Quadrilha: origin, dance, music and characteristics
- June party food: super traditional recipes
- Juninas Games: 6 Very Popular Junina Party Games
- July commemorative dates