Hunger in Africa: Causes and Solutions to the Problem

THE famine in africa it affects at least 236 million people, according to data from the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization the UN - United Nations).

Africa is the continent with the largest number of people affected by hunger.


In Africa, the lack of food results from several factors such as the colonial process, the concentration of power, the climatic conditions, corruption of the authorities, low agricultural productivity, population increase, among others.

famine in africa
A mother breastfeeds her child in a refugee camp during Sudan's civil war

During colonization, the countries that occupied Africa removed material wealth and raw materials from the territory that could be used for the region's development. In addition, it enslaved its peoples, removing the young population who were able to work.

In the process of decolonization, in order to gain independence, some countries had to struggle at length against their colonizers. This was the case in Algeria and Congo, for example.

Furthermore, we must consider the internal conflicts of the African peoples, which after independence, entered into civil war.

Africa Hunger Map

The famine numbers on the African continent have been decreasing. In the 1980s, the images of Biafra (region of Nigeria) or Ethiopia where the population did not have the minimum amount of nutrients to stand up were devastating.

Due to the economic growth experienced in the region in the last two decades, the indices improve as seen in the map below. However, the numbers are far from ideal.

Africa Hunger Map

Three out of four people who are born in the region of Sub-Saharan Africa is a victim of hunger, according to the UN. The situation is considered severe in the so-called Horn of Africa, where the poorest countries in the world are: Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Uganda.

Until 2008, the income per capita (per head) for an African was $1.25 a day. To understand the difference, the per capita income of an American is $55,200 and a Brazilian $11,530, according to the World Bank.

Wars in Africa

A country at war does not cultivate, tribes are constantly threatened and robbed by soldiers on both sides. In this way, farmers abandon the crops, the period of food shortage begins and famine spreads.

Hunger is greater in countries at war, as they absorb the capacity to generate income and maintain the order of exploitation of the conquered.

Civil war also creates the displacement of populations who have no alternative but to go to refugee camps. There are, today, at least 13.5 million refugees in Africa, which represents 38% of refugees worldwide.

On the move or in refugee camps, victims of violence are at the mercy of international assistance. Over the past three decades, African peoples affected by hunger have a 50% chance of being malnourished and half of the children will be out of school.

population increase

The food crisis is also favored by the population increase. Still according to UN, in 1950, Africa was inhabited by 221 million inhabitants.

The number rose to nearly 1 billion in 2009. This explains why Africa is still an eminently rural economy and more children mean more arms to work.

Likewise, there are few programs that allow for family planning. Thus, the birth rate in Africa is 5.2 births per woman over a lifetime and is the highest in the world.

To compare, in Brazil, the fertility rate is 1.8 children per woman, according to the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

Environmental problems

famine in africa
Drought kills cattle, destroys crops and leaves the population without food

Environmental problems also increase the issue of hunger. Today, Africa lacks solutions to the erosion and desertification processes that have occurred due to deforestation. Areas with poor soil have less chances of agricultural production and poor performance.

African environmental issues are hampered by a lack of investment and competitiveness. International organizations act on the consequences of the problem and not on the causes.


Another decisive point for hunger in Africa is corruption, with the highest rates in the countries evaluated by the NGO Transparency.

Humanitarian aid funds often end up in the hands of corrupt politicians and don't reach those in need.


It is the consensus of the UN, scholars, non-governmental organizations, world governments and African nations that there is no shortage of food for Africa. What is lacking is proper management of natural resources so that everyone can be fed.

The conditions faced by African peoples result from policies of permanent exploitation. With the increase in the price of raw materials at the beginning of the 21st century, the continent showed significant growth rates and decreased rates of child mortality.

It would be necessary to take advantage of this good result, to invest in education to create a virtuous cycle that would put an end to hunger in Africa once and for all.

read more:

  • General Aspects of Africa
  • Precolonial Africa
  • African culture
  • world hunger
  • hunger in Brazil
  • Congo war

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