Commemorative Dates (2)

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World Health Day (April 7)

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th. The date was created in 1950 and is commemorated on the same day as the foundation of the World Health Organization (WHO), which took place in 1948. The goal...

Brazil's Independence Day is celebrated on September 7 when Brazil gained political autonomy from Portugal. Proclaimed by Dom Pedro in 1822, the date of Independence is...

Circus Day is celebrated on March 27 in Brazil. The importance of the date lies in the fact that it values ​​circus art and also its members such as clowns, jugglers, the...

Kings' day is celebrated every year on January 6th. According to Christian tradition, this date recalls the day when the wise men found the Child Jesus. The kings would have been warned of the...

The March calendar includes a series of fixed commemorative dates and sometimes some movable dates. In some years, dates such as Carnival and Easter were celebrated in March, which...

The month of July contains a calendar with many celebrations. They aim to honor professionals, recall historical moments, make the population aware of urgent needs...

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Corpus Christi, which means “body of Christ”, is a Christian religious solemnity that celebrates the institution of the Eucharist, a Catholic sacrament in which the faithful receive a...

Father's Day is a mobile commemorative date in Brazil, always celebrated on the second Sunday in August. It's not a holiday, but the fact that it's celebrated on a Sunday allows most...
July 19 – National Football Day

July 19 – National Football Day

In July, 19 is celebrated, in Brazil, the National Football Day. The date was chosen by the Brazi...

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Abolition of slavery: date, context, Golden Law and summary

Abolition of slavery: date, context, Golden Law and summary

THE abolition of slavery was one of the most remarkable events in the history of Brazil and deter...

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September 2nd – Great Fire of London

in the morning of September 2, 1666 began in London, England, a fire of gigantic proportions that...

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