Elementi coesivi di a text. Cohesive elements of a text

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Nella linguistica testuale, il method in cui, component of a collegati sono collegati text, so far from the grammatical point of view che of that semantic.” / In textual linguistics, the way that the components of a text are linked together, whether grammatically or semantically.

*Definition taken from the “Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Colleti”, Casa Editrice Giunti.

What is l'importanza degli elementi coesivi? / What is the importance of cohesive elements?

Secondo gli authori Marurzio Dardano and Pietro Trifone alla “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”, gli elementi coesivi “contribuiscono a rendere it specifies the structure, evidencing the legiti tra le parti, the presence of the snodi the punti di raccordo signicativi, the continuation of the mutation dell'argomento ecc." / According to authors Maurizio Dardano and Pietro Trifone in “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”, cohesive elements contribute to making explicit the structure, evidencing the bond or link between the parts, the presence of significant articulations or connection points, continuity or alteration of the subject etc..

Correct use of the elementi coesivi as it forme sostituenti, per esempio, is fondamentale, giacché lasciano and the phrase i periodi meno noiosi e così si avoids ripetizioni, ma anche perché permette di maintaine stesso che ad esso fanno preferential./ The correct use of cohesive elements such as substitution cohesion, for example, is fundamental, as they leave sentences or less tedious periods (boring) and thus avoid repetitions, but also because it allows you to keep the same theme as this one references.

All italian language i sleep diversi tipi di elementi coesivi, for at the moment get to know a po’ sulle form sostituenti che hanno la funzione di sotituire a theme all the phrase. Vedrai anche alcuni esempi a lungo del testo and così capirai with important loro use. / In the Italian language there are several types of cohesive elements, but for now you will know a little about cohesion by substitution, which has the function of substituting a theme in the sentence. You will also see some examples throughout the text and thus understand how important its use is.

Vedi gli esempi: / See the examples:

1) Io and abbian law la machina dello stesso produttore, ma la mia macchina she ha 04 postage. / She and I have a car from the same manufacturer, but my car has 4 doors.

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2) Ho Comprato a giacca di cuoio, and la giacca It is expensive. / I bought a leather jacket, and the jacket was expensive.

3) Ho abitate for one year the londra, but London non è la città più bella dell'Europa. / I lived for a year in London, but London is not the most beautiful city in Europe.

4) La ragazza and venuta senza feather, and sorry è essenziale all’ora dell’esame. / The girl came without a pen, the pen is essential at the time of the exam.

5) Ho visa i due film by José Padilha, così che i due film hanno lanciato. / I saw the two films by José Padilha, as soon as the two films were released.

Vedi gli stessi esempi adesso using le forme sostituenti:/ See the same examples now using substitution cohesion:

1) Io and abbian lawla machina dello stesso produttore, ma la mia she ha 04 postage. / She and I have a car from the same manufacturer, but mine has 4 doors.

2) Ho Comprato una giacca di cuoio, and law It is expensive. / I bought a leather jacket, and it was expensive.

3) Ho abitato for one year to London, but la capitale english non è la città più bella dell'Europa. / I lived for a year in London, but the English capital is not the most beautiful city in Europe.

4) La ragazza and venuta senza feather, and question instrument è essenziale all’ora dell’esame. / The girl came without a pen, and this instrument is essential at the time of the test.

5) Ho visa i due film by José Padilha, così che read hanno lanciato. / I saw the two films by José Padilha, as soon as they were released.

If it is valid for this purpose, a text or a sentence must be accepted by the recipient or by the letter and the whole script to correctly activate the screen for the substitute and substitute. / It can be seen from the examples that, in order to be effective, a text or a sentence must consent to the recipient or the reader or writer to correctly activate the link between the substitute term and the term substituted.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Elementi coesivi di un testo"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/elementi-coesivi-di-un-testo.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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