All about Mexico

O Mexico, officially United Mexican States, is located in North America. It borders the United States of America to the north and Guatemala and Belize to the south.

It is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean and economically stands out among Latin American countries.

Mexico General Data

  • Capital: Mexico City
  • Territorial extension: 1,964,380 km2
  • Population: 127.017,224 (2015 data)
  • Climate: Although it is quite varied, the climate is tropical in most parts of the country.
  • Language: Spanish
  • Religion: More than 90% of the population is Christian. However, there is no official religion in the country.
  • Coin: Mexican peso
  • Government system: Presidential Federal Republic

states of mexico


the country has 31 states:

  • Aguascalientes
  • Baja California, Baja California Sur
  • Campeche
  • Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Colima
  • Durango
  • State of Mexico
  • Guanajuato, Guerrero
  • Hidalgo
  • Jalisco
  • Michoacan, Morelos
  • Nayarit, New Lion
  • Oaxaca
  • Povoa
  • Queretaro, Quintana Roo
  • Sao Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora
  • Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala
  • Vera Cruz
  • Yucatan
  • Zaratecas

history of mexico

Mexico was colonized by the spanish who started their exploration in 1519 with HernanPolite.

At that time, many primitive inhabitants of Mexico (the aztecs) allied with the Spaniards because they were discontented with their own empire.

In addition to being violent, the Aztec empire was unfair and taxed quite high. This results in the existence of several enemies among its inhabitants.

The Aztec king, in turn, received HernanPolite believing him to be the god Quetzalcoatl. Many Aztecs considered the Spaniards their liberators.

So in 1521 the great Aztec empire, which had about 300,000 inhabitants, collapsed. For nearly three centuries the Mexicans were under Spanish rule.

Mexico became independent only on September 15, 1810. In 1824 the United Mexican States were created.

Between 1846 and 1848 Mexico lost almost half of its territory to the United States.

In 1848 Mexico and the United States signed a peace agreement known as the Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hidalgo. This agreement included the transfer of almost half of the Mexican territory to the United States. This was done by paying 15 million dollars.

the president of mexico porphyrydiaz maintained a military dictatorship in the country between 1876 and 1911. In 1907, a crisis broke out in the country's economy.

Mexico was the target of several social injustices. From this inequality arises the mexican revolution in 1910. The revolution was led by Emiliano Zapata and Francisco Ignácio Madero González who had lost the elections to Porfirio Díaz.

Mexican Economy

One of the biggest economies in Latin America is the Mexican economy. Mexico is rich in mineral resources and is mainly dedicated to mineral exploration and industry.

He is the largest silver producer in the world. With regard to oil production, Mexico is also well positioned. The country is on the list among the ten largest oil producers internationally.

mexican culture

The country has a rich culture, contemplated with a series of dialects. This is due to the approximately 5 dozen indigenous peoples who live there.

Mexican cuisine is an Intangible Heritage of Humanity. One of the main characteristics of Mexican cuisine is its intense and spicy flavor. At foodstypical of the country is based on corn, chillies and avocado.

In music, ranchera and mariachi music stand out. THE songranchera its theme is love, especially to the country. THE songmariachi it is traditional in the countryside.

One of the most popular parties is the MorningFromdead. For Mexicans, death represents liberation. Thus, in this festival, which is celebrated between October 31st and November 2nd, the skeletons are venerated. There are candy and skeleton-shaped toys for children.

There are artists who stand out. Diego Rivera is a renowned painter of the movement called “Mexican Muralism”. Frida Kahlo, his wife, was equally outstanding in the painting.

Landmarks of Mexico

Several places in Mexico are World Heritage Sites.

One of them is the centerHistoricgivesCityofMexico. It is one of the largest metropolises in the world and guards the Aztec heritage.

In it, the squareinZocalo, which represents the national identity of the Mexican people.

ChichenItza is an archaeological city located in Yucatan. It is one of the most visited tourist spots in Mexico.

In Teotihuacan there are many pyramids. With 65 meters high, the PyramidofSun is the biggest one.

PyramidinTepanapa, in the state of Póvoa, is the largest monument in the world. Altogether it is 4.45 million meters.

Youalsohe canifto interestper:

  • Mexican flag
  • North American countries
  • Latin America
  • Spanish colonization
  • Día de los muertos (Day of the dead)
  • Gulf of Mexico
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